3 Tips for Teaching Your Children to be More Responsible Dog Owners

AD | Collaborative post  We often get pets for our children, but they usually have a different idea of what it actually means to be a pet owner. They probably don’t realize it takes time and dedication, and that it’s a full-time job. If you start taking over their responsibilities for them, they might miss out on a basic lesson in life which will start manifesting again later.  This is why you need to teach them how to be responsible dog owners now so that they don’t end up being irresponsible adults later on. It’s

Top Tips for Helping Your Child Learn a New Language

AD | Collaborative post Starting to learn languages from an early age can be incredibly beneficial for children. Being multilingual will not only help your child when they study languages at school, but it will also support them in other academic areas. Research suggests that multilingual children have enhanced critical thinking and creativity skills. Furthermore, knowing a second language can also improve your child’s future career prospects. If you’d like to know how you can help your child to learn a new language, here is some great advice from an independent school in Surbiton… “Practice

Asmodee Blogger Board Game Club Review – Confident?

AD | Post contains gifted items and affiliate links (marked with *)  This month, as part of the Asmodee Blogger Board Game Club we have been playing Confident?*, a quiz game with a bit of a difference. What’s inside the box: 200 question cards 6 answer boards Score card Pens Scribble board Confident? can be played either as single players or you can team up if you want to. This means that you can play with anywhere from 2 people right up to however many you want really. You might want to play at home

Teaching Your Child to Respect Other Cultures

AD | Collaborative post Educating your child about the many cultures of the world is a great way for them to understand and celebrate diversity. It will also give your child a better insight into the traditions and customs some of their friends may practice. Teaching your child to respect other cultures will benefit your child throughout their lifetime. Here are some great ideas from an independent school in Letchworth, on how you can teach your child to respect other cultures… Start with your own family Do you know your own family heritage? Learning about

Exploring Creative Writing with Your Child

AD | Collaborative post Creative writing may not seem like a particularly important aspect of your child’s education, especially if they’re not planning on becoming a bestselling author in the future, but it actually comes with many benefits that can support the rest of your child’s education. For instance, it will help them with their spelling and grammar, their vocabulary, and their ability to communicate in both written and verbal form. There are lots of creative writing exercises you can try with your child at home, as a way of supporting their education while having

Children’s Book Review: Rain Before Rainbows

AD | Post contains gifted items and affiliate links (marked with *)  This week’s children’s book review is all about Rain Before Rainbows by Smriti Halls and David Litchfield. It was published by Walker Books and can be purchased on Amazon* and was recently voted as one of the best children’s books by product comparison site MyPriceGuide. A girl and her companion fox travel together from a place of loss and despair, through uncertain times, towards the hope of colour, light and life. Along the way, they find friends to guide and support them. Together,

Home Storage Ideas For A Growing Family

AD | Collaborative post Storage needs seem to grow exponentially as the family grows up or expands. Managing the house so it’s not in a constant muddle can end up being a full-time job by itself. What’s needed is a few alternative storage solutions. Use the Awkward Spots If you’ve got tricky areas in the house that you just don’t use properly, like under the stair cupboards or narrow alcoves, you can get more out of these areas with shelves. Other odd areas include the blank space at the end of a cabinet run in

How I’m Getting Prepared For Christmas This Year

Can you believe it’s the middle of November already? Somehow, even with the hell of a year that we’ve had, 2020 seems to have flown by. It only seems like a few minutes ago that we were in March being told about lockdown for the first time. Presents With Erin’s birthday being on New Year’s Day I really like to make sure I’m organised well in advance for Christmas. I hate the thought of going into December still having presents to buy. I can’t imagine anything worse than having to brave the shops to try