Decluttering your home is one of the things that many of us would like to do. We can all be guilty of hoarding things and because of this, our homes can get a little overwhelming. When you want to declutter, you can often find that the task itself is difficult to start.
Category: Finance
How to approach a “no spend” year
No-spend years, months, and weeks are really popular. They can be the perfect way to reset your financial habits and help you to save money. Many people like the idea of a no-spend or no buy period of time however, actually doing one can be a completely different story. After all, it can be a lot harder than you originally believed it to be. With prices rising in 2022 it might be something to think about, especially as the general cost of living is always increasing.
Grabbing bargains in the January sales: How not to break the bank
January. A time to reminisce on the festive period, a chance to reevaluate our life choices and make new plans and goals, and a time for shopping. That’s right, the January sales are in full force, and they can be a great way to grab some bargains with any festive cash you have to spend, or simply to top up your wardrobe and essentials for the year ahead.
Becoming financially savvy in the New Year
The New Year will see many people making goals and resolutions of the financial kind. There will always be different motivations. It could be to buy a house, pay for a wedding, start a family. It could be to just feel more secure and financially stable. Whatever the motivation may be, this year could be your year to become more financially savvy. But where do you start? Here are some suggestions to help you on you way.
The pros and cons of credit
AD | Collaborative post In schools, children learn how to read and write, about events in history and maybe even how to speak a different language. Some of these topics are things that they might never need again in their adult life and I think schools, especially for high school aged children, could do better with more practical subjects. It’s important for children to learn how to manage their finances, especially when it comes to the pros and cons of credit.
Things I wish I’d known before getting a mortgage
AD | Collaborative post In April 2014 John and I were able to buy our first house together. In fact, we’re still in that house now 7 years later and don’t plan on moving again for the next few years at least. When I look back to when we were planning on going from being in a small rented flat to dreaming of owning our own home it all seemed a bit impossible. We had no idea what we were doing and could have really done with someone explaining a few things to us. I
4 Ways to Reduce Your Household Budget
AD | Collaborative post No matter what your financial situation is, reducing your household budget can give you a little more flexibility when it comes to managing your money. Whether you’re eager to pay off your debts, you’re saving up for something special or you want to enjoy more disposable income at the end of every month, cutting the cost your bills can help you to achieve your financial goals. To get started, take a look at the following five ways to reduce your household budget: 1. Keep on Top of Maintenance If your property
3 digital side hustles which can boost your income
AD | Collaborative post The past year has been hard on a lot of us, especially when it comes to work and money. The government‘s furlough scheme only paid a percentage of wages and some people, self-employed people especially, might have been without any work or income at all. With that in mind, there are ways that you can utilise the digital world and use it to make some extra money. Here are just a few ideas: Use your social media skills There are so many ways in which you can earn money from social