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Five Insights For Parents Resuming College Education

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There’s approximately one in every five students who is a parent. Of these students, 30% are male parents, while the other 70% are female parents. More single moms go back to college to continue with their studies. A report by an Institute for Women’s Policy found out these data. For parents, resuming college education needs a balance of academics, college assignments, family, and work in some cases. It’s not easy to maintain a balance in all these fields. The following are some tips you could employ to help you saddle back on your education journey—and hopefully make your decision worthwhile. 

  1. Establish your reason for resuming college. 

Bureau of Labor Statistics in the U.S indicates that increased education level means excellent earning potential and low unemployament rate. There are various reasons you may be going to college. They may include:

  • Increasing your skills and experience,
  • Better career choices and,
  • Setting a good example for your kids, among others.

For whatever reason, you choose to go back to college, keep it in mind, and not forget about your other responsibilities. When you understand your motives, it will be easier for you to balance your priorities. Explore your reasons and alternatives while at it also.

  1. Seek help and support.

Completing your college education is a huge undertaking that requires all the help you can get. Reach out for advice from your family and friends while in schools, and don’t be scared. Tell them what you need. Support can be in the form of patience, babysitting, understanding, and finances. Similarly, take a look at academic support channels offered by the school of your choice. The resource center can have great material and content that supports student parents. 

  1. Manage your time consciously.

There is a lot of stuff that needs your attention: your child, employer, studies, companion, and other engagements you may have in your daily life. You have to juggle all these activities, and the perfect way of doing that is to create a planner for all of them. Assign time slots for different activities in your day and prioritize your studies as a map when making your schedule. It helps to have a kind of map that guides you in where you should be and what you should be doing. 

  1. Research Grants or Scholarships for student parents.

Advancing your education needs not only your time and commitment but financing as well. Luckily, there are several scholarship opportunities for parents who wish to continue with their studies. You can choose to apply for the Federal Student Aid and see if you qualify to access the Pell Grant or any other federal grant. 

  1. Create boundaries with your family

As much as you need support from your family while you pursue your education, you may also need to set boundaries. Having a boundary enables you to remain focused while studying and also helps you maintain self-care. Gently but sternly inform your family to respect your studies. It may be in the form of them, giving you ample time to study in the evenings or mornings. On the other hand, you can incorporate your family in your studies by helping you with assignments and trying out what you learned in school.


Resuming college is a big step for most parents, it may be a rocky path, but the points above will help you have a smoother encounter in your journey. All the best.


Five Insights For Parents Resuming College Education

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