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Children are products of their environment as well as how they are guided within conditional stages. This is even more relevant when referring to the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS), as habits developed during this time will have massive impacts upon the ways in which they interact with the world around them as they begin to grow. However, it is also important to mention that parents and educators need to encourage a certain amount of independence. This helps to encourage innovation, creativity and confidence. How can independence be fostered within EYFS guidelines? Let’s take a closer look at the answers to this question.
Personal, Social and Emotional Development
These are three core traits within the current legistlative guidelines and they are often referred to as “prime areas”. The main goal here is to allow ignite curiosity and enthusiasm for specific tasks. While this can often be accomplished within group settings, children also need to learn how to tackle challenges without the help of others. Those who are passionate and curious are much more likely to develop confidence at an early stage.
Learning from Mistakes
The fact of the matter is that all of us make mistakes from time to time. However, children need to learn that making mistakes is not necessarily a bad thing. Parents and educators should therefore make it a point to highlight that it is possible to learn from errors. In the event that a child still cannot solve a specific problem or task, he or she can then be provided with a “nudge” in the right direction.
Using Modern Software Platforms
One of the challenges which educators faced in the past was the ability to find a balance between hands-on guidance and encouraging independent thought. This is when the Tiny Tracker EYFS tracking system represents an invaluable asset. Such software bundles provide caregivers with real-time monitoring solutions while remaining on the proverbial “side lines” until further assistance may be necessary. This is also an excellent way to share important conclusions with others (such as parents).
Home-Based Techniques
Let us keep in mind that independence within the EYFS framework does not only occur within classroom settings. It should also be encouraged at home by parents. Some common examples include:
- Toilet training
- Teaching children to brush their own teeth
- Rewarding a child who chooses to go to bed without being asked
On a final note, it should be mentioned that parents and caregivers need to adapt the suggestions outlined above in context with specific situations. For example, it is normally not best to introduce a new concept to a child if he or she is feeling unwell or emotionally stressed.
Independence is an important part of human psychology and this concept defines us as individuals. This is why the correct steps should be taken at an early stage in order to ensure that children are provided with the most targeted types of encouragement at the appropriate times.