Since Erin started school we have tried to help support her learning at home as much as we possibly can. This means buying additional supplies or using subscription services. When Erin was just learning to read we used Reading Chest, a postal service for borrowing books. We’re now using Reading Chest again, to see what it’s like for a more confident reader.
What is Reading Chest?
Reading Chest offers a subscription service where you can receive books by post. There are 3 different levels of subscription which offer different things at different price points. You can pick the books you want to receive by choosing your child’s reading level. This will ensure that you are sent the right kinds of books. When you’re ready, you can send them back in the post and receive new ones, depending on your subscription level.

Subscription options
- Initial delivery of 4 books
- 2 swaps a month.
- Based on returning 3 books at a time, this will give you up to 6 books each month.
- Can make 1 book list
- Initial delivery of 4 books
- 4 swaps a month.
- Based on returning 3 books at a time, this will give you up to 12 books each month.
- Can make 1 or 2 book lists
- Initial delivery of 6 books
- Unlimited swaps!
- You can return up to 3 books at a time as often as you like giving you unlimited books!
- Can make 1, 2 or 3 book lists
The first delivery
Our first delivery included everything we needed for Erin to get started. Not only was there 4 books for Erin to read but also a cute bag to keep the books in, bookmark, star chart with stickers and a prepaid envelope ready for sending books back. Erin couldn’t wait to see what she’d been sent and wanted to read the first lot of books immediately.

Book bands
In order to get the right kinds of books for your child you choose a book band on the Reading Chest website. Last time we started on the lowest band, pink, as Erin was only just starting to read. Now, we have moved up according to her reading level at school.
If you’re not sure about what book band you need then you can have a look at the books in each colour and look inside them to see an example of a page. Book bands can also be easily changed in your account should your child progress and need something more suitable.

Reading lists
If your child likes getting a surprise in the post then you might want to let Reading Chest just send out something from the book band each time. However, you can also put together reading lists of preferred books. This is a great idea if your child has a particular interest or you would like a certain kind of book sending.

What did we think?
We often find that Erin needs more variety in terms of what she reads at home. She might only get 1 or 2 different schools books sent home each week and she needs to be reading different things to keep her interested. While we are members of our local library, it can be hard to find books at the right level for Erin and this is why we love Reading Chest so much.
Reading Chest allows us to offer Erin different books to what she has to read for school and it helps to keep her wanting to do more. We are lucky that Erin enjoys reading but I think a lot of this is down to her having enough books to read.

Another nice thing is that Erin gets something in the post an it’s something she can be excited about. Once she’s read her books a few times we can send them back and get something different a few days later.
Win a 3 month bronze subscription
If you like the sound of Reading Chest then enter our giveaway below to win a 3 month bronze subscription.
*Giveaway ends 30/3 UK only
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