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Everyone likes to get a freebie when they can, don’t they? It’s completely possible for you to get free stuff. There are plenty of opportunities out there. That said, for every legitimately free thing you can get, there’s two complete scams set up to get your personal information at the cost of the best UK free samples. If you want to get free stuff without dealing with scams, try the following steps.
1. Set up a “spam catcher” e-mail.
This e-mail account is one you have no plans on using for normal correspondence, but rather the address you give out for giveaways and promotions. You can also use it when you register with a company that wants your e-mail address in exchange for free gifts. If you give the company your primary e-mail address, you’ll be swamped with a mass of promotional e-mails. It won’t take long for you to abandon your e-mail account in despair if this starts to happen.
2. Avoid giving personal information.
You should never give out more than your name, e-mail address, physical address, and birthday. And you should be careful about giving away all of those, as well. If you can, try using a fake name or a P.O. Box. The more personal information you give out, the easier it will be for other companies to get that information. In addition, some websites ask for your credit card number “just to ensure you’re a real person”. Once they have your credit card information, you can’t make them forget it.
3. Be realistic in what you expect.
If the deal seems too good to be true, it almost certainly is. It’s certainly possible the giveaway is legitimate, and if that’s the case then they should have company contact information readily available. You should also check the internet to see if you can find information. If the offer is that great, then plenty of people will be talking about it. Of course, if it’s a scam you’re liable to find discussion about that, too.
4. Visit only legitimate websites for samples.
Manufacturer’s sites are generally trustworthy, whereas some retail-specific sites are not.
5. Write to the manufacturers of products you enjoy using.
Companies are always happy to give a few free things to customers willing to go out of their way to make their voice heard. It builds good will and often garners more customers. All for the cost of a few free samples.
6. Learn to use coupons properly.
It can take a huge amount of patience to learn to coupon well. That said, good couponing can save you so much you may even get free groceries. Couponing is a fairly big deal, so you can find plenty of websites that can help you learn. There are also many grocery stores or manufacturer sites that will keep you informed of what great deals and amazing coupons are available.
These are some of the best ways to get free stuff without dealing with scams. Do you have any tips?