Your Alternative Christmas Gift Guide – Presents You Never Thought Of

Are you stumped for what to buy someone this Christmas? Time is running out fast and every shopping day is survival of the fittest (if you haven’t already discovered the wonders of internet shopping, anyway), so you had better get your thinking cap on.

If the hamster isn’t quite running at full speed in his wheel or you are finding stock hard to come by (the struggles faced by many parents in search of the year’s must-have toy), here we look at some alternative, yet brilliant, potential Christmas presents. Some quirkier than others, we hope our ideas help you finalise your Christmas shopping.


Is the person that you are trying to find the perfect present for a big reader? If so, then you cannot go far wrong with a subscription to their favourite magazine, series or something that you think they will like. Keen readers love being introduced to new reads, so don’t be afraid to take a chance on something you really think they would like.

Magazine subscriptions are big at this time of year – you can find them in many a shop close to the book and magazine section. If you aren’t 100% sure on what reads take their fancy, many offer subscription vouchers that can be redeemed on a selection of their choice.

A Donation in Their Name

What do you get the person that has everything and is exceedingly hard to buy for? How about a charitable donation made in their name to go to a cause that helps those with absolutely nothing? At Christmas, it can be easy to be drawn into the materialism that accompanies the holiday while there are millions suffering around the world.

For example, in Yemen alone there are thousands of innocent civilians suffering as a consequence of troubles in the country. A donation made in the name of a friend or family member may just be the perfect way to bring a smile to their face by knowing that their present will be helping someone in greater need. After all, Christmas is the time for giving.

The Gift of Knowledge

Perhaps the person you are on the prowl for as a never-ending thirst for knowledge? A desire to constantly expand their understanding of the world in which they live in – if so, then there is no better gift than the gift of knowledge.

We’re not talking about the latest encyclopaedia (although that could make for a great gift), here we are looking at language. Those with a thirst to keep learning would love nothing more than the challenge of learning a new language, and there are many sets that make for fantastic presents.

If you know someone who has shown an interest in learning a foreign language, or who have tried and struggled, a comprehensive all-in-one set will keep them busy and aid their learning experience. By next Christmas they should be fluent!

An Adventure

We have already touched on the fact that gifts do not have to be physical because, after all, many gifts that are unwrapped only end up gathering dust on the shelf. Experiences, meanwhile, get you out of the house and leave you with memories that last a lifetime.

That may sound expensive, but you can buy good experience vouchers – covering everything from driving days, spa treatments to nights away – from as little as £40-50. The better vouchers provide the receiver with numerous options on where to go and what to do, meaning that they can build their ideal adventure all from your kind gift.

Hopefully, this will have sparked your imagination and provided the inspiration for the perfect present for that person who is always notoriously hard to buy for. If you cannot think of someone that matches that description, chances are that it’s you, so why not help point family and friends in the right direction?


Disclaimer: This is a collaborative post. 

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