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5 Tips to Start Growing a Family Garden

5 Tips to Start Growing a Family Garden

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Families grow together and so too should the family garden. Gardening with the family has many advantages. Gardening is incredibly instructive, conveys an understanding of responsibility and accountability, and boosts self-esteem, especially when young children are involved with adults.

More importantly, gardening with the family is enjoyable. It’s a method to spend time with family, foster communication among family members, share priorities and activities, and make new memories together.

Here are 5 suggestions to get you started with family gardening.

  1. Keep it Simple and Start with Containers

Container gardening is a smart option for family gardening, especially if you or your kids lack some gardening knowledge. In comparison to a large piece of land, it is simpler to create the ideal environment for your particular crop, and there will be less pest trouble. Additionally, you can reposition containers to fit your patio’s preferences. It works just as well and is more practical than growing on a piece of land.

On your patio or porch, you can easily set up our grow bags and herb inboxes. If that isn’t an option, plant flowers in various pots or remove the tops of milk bottles for a herb garden.

  1. Involve the Whole Family Right from the Start

When it comes to children, you can be tempted to wait until “the fun part” or the harvest before including them. In actuality, growing is fun because of the process. Include every member of your family right from the beginning.

Let children assist you in selecting your seedlings. Bring the entire family along. Then assign accountability to each member of the family. When you cultivate as a family, the advantages become apparent. So spend some time outside together, dig in the soil, and create some fond memories.

  1. Plant Fruit and/or Vegetables

Any type of gardening is advantageous. A vegetable or herb garden can’t be topped for satisfaction because the yield is so satisfying, especially when children are around. Pulling a carrot out of the ground or selecting a cherry tomato off the vine can excite kids in a special way.

Family gardening turns into a chance to embrace a value mission jointly when you grow fresh foods. Together, you’ll consciously choose a more sustainable lifestyle, learn about the complete earth-to-table process, and enjoy fresher food. Together, you will ultimately be creating values.

  1. Start with Simple Seeds

Plant whatever the family wants or needs to grow, but start out simple. When you’re family gardening (and especially if this is your first time growing), it’s ideal to pick straightforward crops that you have a higher chance of success with.

Things that sprout rapidly, generate large yields, and require little maintenance are the best crops to raise with kids. Some of the favourite plants for family gardening are often garlic and radishes since they are simple to grow. Young children also really enjoy carrots and cherry tomatoes!

  1. Be Sure to Celebrate Your Harvest

Nothing is more fulfilling than picking and eating a crop you helped to grow, unless you’re doing it with close friends or family. We meant it when we advised keeping the family informed and involved at all times. And that includes gathering, keeping, preparing, eating, and interacting with others. Invite some friends over and show off your kids’ contributions to the family garden or daydream about the romantic date you’ll have with your ripe tomatoes.

Because they spend time together, families that grow together tend to stay together. After the harvest, don’t let that precious time pass you by and instead celebrate the event with a nice family dinner.
Author bio: Leslie Vincent, Gardening Expert, Atkins Ireland, a leading supplier of garden tools & machinery, farm parts, tractors and tractor parts, and much more.

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