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Happy Mother’s Day

Last year was technically my first Mother’s Day. However, it was a complete disaster and resulted in me being mad at John and crying a lot! John ended up going to his Mum’s for the whole day and not getting back until quite late, leaving me and Erin on our own for the day. As we don’t drive John has to rely on someone driving him home and that didn’t happen when it was supposed to (Don’t think badly of John, it wasn’t completely his fault). I’ve written it off and I’m classing today as my first real Mother’s Day.

Today will probably be spent having quite a relaxed day but together as a family with some kind of nice food!

It’s not just Mother’s Day for me though. I want to say Happy Mother’s Day to my own mum. She’s really become my rock since I had Erin. I’m always so full of random questions that she always seems to know the answer to. Apparently a mum knows everything when their children ask so I hope I feel like that with Erin later on in life!

My mum spends so much time (and money) coming to visit us. She lives 5-6 hours away by train and it’s a pretty crappy journey to do. It’s long and boring but she does it every single time she has a week off work. Sometimes, she even does it when she only has 3 or 4 days off together. Erin is her only granddaughter and she makes sure she sees her as much as she possibly can. I know it’s not as much as she would like but she does everything she can!

Not only does mum come here as often as possible but she really tries to give me a break too. Mum plays with Erin from the minute she wakes up to when Erin goes to bed. Erin absolutely loves her to pieces and now cries whenever she leaves. It’s heartbreaking but I love seeing how much Erin loves her Grandma.

I don’t get to see my mum today but  I did see her earlier in the week. However, I can still say thank you for everything you do, not just for me but for being the best Grandma to Erin and a mum to John as well. We love you and we can’t wait to see you soon!


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