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A busy week

This past week John and I have been off work. It was my birthday this week and I have never, ever worked this week in my life so I always take a week off as a holiday. Sometimes we go away but this year we have had a lot to do around the house and we also aren’t ready to leave Jackson in kennels if we want to go away. 

This week I had a lot of plans, much to John’s dismay. He really would rather relax when we get a week off work together but I always have loads of other things for us to get on with. We don’t get time to get much done during the week so I try to make up for that when we do get the free time. 

Day one consisted of sorting out our front garden. I meant to get this done last year but money ran out and it had to wait. We’d already cleared it of all the old, horrible gravel and the massively overgrown plants and was just left with a blank space. I wanted something really simple and easy to keep nice so chose landscaping bark for the ground and then added in a couple of little trees and a potted plant! 

I love it now. Our house was the one down the street that looked shabby and awful and now it’s lovely to come home to a nice looking entrance. 

On day two we carried on a bit more with the front garden and painted the wall and the windowsill. Before it was a ghastly white and stood out and not in a good way. The previous owners of our house seemed to have a thing about white paint and used it A LOT! I hated it. Now it’s a wonderful shade of light green and although very different from anything else on our street, it’s much nicer. As we were painting a couple of people walked by and said how nice it looked. 

Day two was a really busy day because we also put up a clock in the living room, changed a light switch and had the electrician round to put in a ceiling rose and a new light fitting. We had been waiting ages to have this done. Our house is a four bedroom Victorian property and the previous owners ruined or took out any of the period features so I’m trying to put back as much as I possibly can. The ceiling rose looks absolutely amazing and I’m glad it’s finally up. 

On day three John and I went into Cromer for breakfast and so I could get my nails done. I hadn’t had them done for ages and they really needed doing so that was nice. It was also nice to get out of the house and do something fun! We also had another ceiling rose and light put up in another room that we were in the middle of painting. 

Day four was a bit different as it was my birthday! John and I went into Norwich for breakfast, then to see Insurgent at the cinema and out for lunch. I had a lovely day and loved all of my presents! 

On day five we really cracked on with the decorating of the spare bedroom. The plan this week really was to get it finished apart from a carpet and furniture. I chose a beautiful ornithology wallpaper from B&Q. At £20 a roll it wasn’t cheap but I wanted something with a Victorian feel but a modern look. It’s stunning but a pain to hang. This was mine and John’s first time wallpapering and I had to have a few breaks as I got so annoyed with it. However, we managed to get half the room done and it looks amazing. I’m so glad I chose something bold and I’m surprised John likes it so much. 
John went back to work on day six for overtime. We need the extra money especially when we have so much to do around the house. As he wasn’t home I got on with some cleaning and general tidying up. Not really fun but a necessity. 

Sunday was day seven of being off work and we finished off the wallpapering in the spare bedroom. This is the first room we have completely renovated since moving in and I’m so pleased with the results so far. 

Although this week was really busy and exhausting, it’s been a good one. John and I have done so much around the house and it’s nice to feel like we’ve really accomplished something now. 

Maybe the next week off won’t be quite as hectic. 

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