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Erin’s memory box

Something I wish I had from when I was younger was a memory box. Not even really from when I was a baby but even from when I was a young child. I don’t really have anything at all from my childhood apart from a few photographs stolen from my mum.

I have always wanted to put together a memory box for Erin. Not having physical things to remember my childhood by makes me quite sad and I don’t want that for Erin. I want her to have a box full of things she can look back at and have good memories from or thoughts about. I want me and her to sit and look at the box together over the years and for me and her to sit and talk about the items in the box, especially those she won’t actually be able to remember!

The above picture is just some of the photos in the box so far. I was getting some printed recently for my mum and John’s mum for Mother’s Day so I got a few extras done at the same time.

It’s not only photos in the box though. At the minute we have Erin’s first soft toy in there, which is a purple elephant, my hospital band (we lost hers in all of the mayhem), the blanket she was given at the hospital and one of her tiny baby grows! I still can’t believe she was so small to fit in some of the clothes she had. Now that she’s over 9lb I forget just how little she was when she was born!

At the moment I’m using a box I got from Amazon (the free baby box for Prime members) and while it’s not the nicest of boxes, it will do for now. I would love to make her something really beautiful or buy her something somewhere down the line but until she has more in it, it can stay as it is!

If anyone knows of a company that would do a lovely box, please do let me know!

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