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How to Keep Your Skin Clean and Fresh In 2022

How to Keep Your Skin Clean and Fresh In 2022

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Keeping your skin in good condition should be a priority for anyone. Healthy skin looks better, is more supple, and doesn’t age as fast. It is also less prone to acne and various other skin diseases. The skin is the body’s largest organ and is a direct representation of your overall health. When it looks unhealthy, it makes you look unhealthy as a person which can make a bad impression. Our bodies are also constantly bombarded by pollutants and chemicals, and you have to take extra steps to protect your skin from the damage they can cause. Let’s take a look at how you can keep your skin clean and fresh in 2022.

Invest in a Good Facial Cleanser

The first thing you should do is look for a quality face cleanser. This is one of the most important parts of a skincare routine as dirt will usually be the cause for outbreaks and other skin issues. Also, clean skin will automatically look better than a dirty one. If you’re currently using your body soap to wash your face, stop right away. These soaps are often very harsh and will strip your skin from its natural oils, which will make your skin dry and prone to breakouts. 

One of the things you need to look out for when picking a face cleanser is its consistency and your skin type. People with oily skin may want to stay away from thick creams and go for a light foam instead, while creams will be great for people who have naturally dry skin. You should also look for a cleanser that has ingredients such as glycolic acid, benzoyl peroxide, and salicylic acid. Stay away from anything containing sulphates, however. Try to go with a fragrance-free cleanser as well. This is because fragrance and sulphites can trigger skin issues. 

If you want to know more about skin conditions and which ones can be caused by contact with chemicals, then you should check out the linked article by Patient. They are one of the best resources for anyone who cares about their skin’s health. You’ll learn about conditions like psoriasis, eczema, and various types of rashes along with tips on how to treat and prevent them.

Learn What a Serum Is

A skin serum could be your number one secret weapon for clear, smooth skin, but you have to know what they are, how they work, and how to use them first.

Simply put, serums are formulations that are made to deliver nutrients straight to the skin. Some serums should be applied after cleansing and exfoliating the skin so they can penetrate the pores, while others can be applied after. One isn’t necessarily better than the other, you just have to know which type of serum you’re using.

Get Yourself a Nice Toner Too

Skin toner is another thing you should add to your skincare arsenal if you haven’t already. As the name implies, toners are there to give the skin more tone and allow it to absorb nutrients from other products better. You’ll usually need to apply them after cleaning the skin.

Get a Good Moisturiser

Look for a good moisturiser and make sure that you don’t use the same moisturiser you use on your body for your face. This is because they can clog up your pores and lead to acne. Ideally, you want to go with a facial moisturiser that has high water content and no fragrances. If you have very dry skin, then you can go for something heavier, but in most cases, a light moisturiser will be better as it will limit sheen. 

It would also be nice to get a moisturiser that can nourish your skin. Things like vitamin E, C, and A, along with repentant or coenzyme Q10 are all great things to see in moisturiser. Also look for things like ceramides, peptides, and hyaluronic acid.

Exfoliate, but Not too Often

People tend to overdo exfoliation when they learn about it, but you have to be careful. Yes, you should exfoliate, but try to not do it more than two times per week. The outer layer of your skin is very important for UV ray protection and over-exfoliation can make you more prone to skin cancer and premature ageing, so be careful.

Give Your Face a Nice Steam Bath

Steam treatments can help open up the pores, clean them, and make them more receptive to serums. You can always go to a spa for a steam facial, but anyone can give themselves one from the comfort of their own home. All you need is to pour boiling water in a large bowl and put your face over it for a few minutes with a towel over your head to trap the heat. This is best done right after cleaning your face and before applying your toner and serum.

These are all things you need to do in 2022 to have nice-looking, clean, fresh skin. Start with the basics, add more elements to your skincare routine, and stick to what works.

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