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Post Office Broadband and Google Digital Garage’s Free Digital Drop-ins

I remember when we got our first ever PC way back when I was about 14. We had dial up internet and a monitor that weighed a ton and had horrible resolution. Not everyone had PCs at home though and so many of my friends had to do their homework at school when they had access to a computer that could also print. It’s crazy to think that nearly 20 years ago I used that first PC to use MSN Messenger, play Neopets and  annoy my mum and sister by tying up the phone line.

Back then I never would have thought that mobile phones and computers would be what they are today. Recent surveys show that 1 in 5 people are not digitally confident and I’m not really surprised. New phones are brought out every month and just when you think you have learned a lot, everything changes and you have to learn all over again.

I would say that my Mum is one of these people. She has only just got a mobile phone that takes pictures but it’s not a smart phone. She has an Amazon Kindle that she uses all of the time but doesn’t really understand her iPad. I would say that my Mum is someone that could really do with some help when it comes to technology.

Post Office Broadband and Google Digital Garage have teamed up to run various free digital drop-ins in cities who have been classed as the least digitally confident – Plymouth, Cardiff, Leeds, Norwich and Southampton. These drop-ins are running in a number of UK libraries in order to give people a comfortable space where they can ask any questions and learn how they can get the most from the internet and their internet enabled devices.

Workshops will be held as 121 sessions and group workshops, and will cover topics such as ‘Device Advice’, ‘Staying Safe Online’ and ‘Getting Started online.’ They will be free and open to anyone who wants to take part to grow their confidence online. Some of these drop-ins have already happened but you still have time to register to attend in Cardiff or Norwich.

For more information or to register your interest in attending a Post Office and Google Digital Garage Drop-in visit: or call (0800 068 1791).  


Disclaimer: I will be attending a Digital Drop-in session and I will be compensated for my time. 

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