Why I Won’t Be Making Resolutions This New Year

I’m not sure I’ve ever really made proper resolutions in the traditional sense but for the past few years I have made goals for both the family and for work. Usually at this time of year I would be posting about what I want to get done or do over the next year but for the past 2, maybe more, things haven’t really gone to plan. I start every year with really good intentions. Last year I wanted to make sure we spent the day as a family on Sundays but instead it’s turned into

What We’ve Been Watching: December 2018

What We’ve Been Watching is a monthly feature where we talk about everything we’ve been watching over the past month. It might be something on Netflix, NOW TV, Sky or even just a DVD we’ve had for years but wanted to watch again. If we’ve been watching something new we’ll talk about that too! *May contain spoilers so read with caution! NOW TV I’m going to do a bit of a cheat here. On Black Friday I treat us to 6 months of NOW TV movies as it was on offer for only £4.50 per

Preparing For 2019

AD – We received these items for the purpose of this post. All opinions are our own.  Before a New Year starts I like to make sure I have everything in order and that means being super organised. John just goes with the flow and is happy to go along with any plans I make. Generally, I just need to ask him to book the time off work or make sure the dates are okay. Being the person that keeps track of everything for not only myself but John and Erin as well means needing

Getting My Home Organised For The New Year

AD – Gifted items The New Year is just around the corner and while I don’t really make resolutions as such, I do like to start the year in a certain way. Just before Christmas I like to have a good clean up and clear out of things we don’t want or need. Right after Christmas I like to get really organised and put things away as soon as possible to make sure life can get back to normal quickly and without any hassle. I think starting the New Year being tidy and organised can

Ways To Make A House Feel Like A Home

AD | Collaborative post Moving into a new home can be hard. We made the plunge about three years ago now and since then, we have slowly been doing more and more home improvements, but it takes time. The thing about making a house feel like a home is that you cannot do it overnight, unfortunately. Of course, purchasing products that you love helps and incorporating meaningful items from your past homes helps, as well, but be patient and you will get there. Moving.com says, “It always takes me a while to really feel at

Playing With The Disney Puppy Dog Pals

AD: Gifted items Erin’s taste in toys is quite varied but two of her favourites are play sets and anything to do with dogs. When we were offered the chance to review some items from the Disney Best Puppy Dog Pals toys range I knew that Erin would love them. A play set with dogs? Exactly the kind of thing that Erin likes to play with. Puppy Dog Pals is a relatively new show to us on Disney Jr. and it follows Rolly and Bingo, two pugs who get up to some crazy adventures while their owner

Baby Bjorn Booster Seat Review

AD – We received this product for the purpose of this post. All opinions are our own.  When we first stared weaning with Erin all that time ago we thought we had a highchair that would like a long time. Erin seemed to really like it to start with but as soon as she was on the move she wasn’t having any of it. Erin is, and really always has been, an independent child who likes to be the same as us and do things for herself. This has meant that she wants to sit in

Organising Erin’s Play Area With Maqio Storage Boxes

AD: We received products for the purpose of this post. All opinions are our own.  If you are anything like us, a family with a child or children , then you’ve probably got a storage problem. The problem for us is that while our house is a pretty decent size it’s quite awkward and really, it doesn’t work well for us a lot of the time. We definitely didn’t buy this house with children in mind and if we had, I don’t think we would have bought it! Last month we made a big decision