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Pushchair Envy

When we got the first pram/ pushchair for Erin, I didn’t pick it. It was an absolutely wonderful gift from friends. As a new and first time parent I had no idea what I would have been looking for anyway. However, I quickly realised that the pram wasn’t really suited for where we lived. It was really wide and heavy and didn’t fit through doorways very well. I wish I’d done some research early on and looked at a strollers article for inspiration and to find out what my options might have been.

I soon decided to buy something new and, after having more experience, knew more of what I wanted. I did quite a lot of research, tried out friend’s pushchairs and finally decided on the Mamas&Papas Armadillo Flip XT. You see, Erin may be nearly a year old but I love that she still parent faces. I love chatting to her and singing crazy songs to her while we’re out. A parent facing pushchair was my biggest priority. I got this and a lot more so I was really happy. Erin has got a cold weather foot muff to go with the pushchair and it’s doing us really well this winter!

Now, don’t get me wrong, I LOVE the Armadillo Flip but I walk around spotting other people’s pushchairs and I get big time pushchair envy. I end up seeing something I hadn’t seen before, or something I hadn’t seen properly.

A fantastic example of this is the Quinny Moodd. On a recent trip into the city I’d seen someone walking around with a pushchair with a white chassis and I loved the look of it. The seat seamed a little higher up than I was used to and I loved the safety bar. What I didn’t realise was that this had been one of my top 3 choices when buying a new pushchair. I’d seen a black version but not the white. I thought it was a different pushchair altogether!

Anyway, realising how nice the Moodd was, and what it could actually do, made me regret my Armadillo purchase a bit (the prices are quite different though). I keep seeing the Quinny Moodd wherever I go and I wish I had one.

I have to go out with Erin on my own most of the time and the Moodd seems to fold down so easily. I also think this would be perfect for us during the summer. Erin would be a bit cooler and more open than in the Armadillo, even with the foot muff taken off. I love the look of it, I love the colours and I love the style. I get drawn to the Moodd every time I see it now.

Are you like this with any particular pushchairs? Maybe you wish you’d bought something else or have been through a few!

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