Site icon Me, him, the dog and a baby!

A very spoiled little girl!

Well, Christmas is over and I hope everyone had a wonderful day! This year was Erin’s first Christmas and ours as a family in our own home. It was absolutely perfect! Erin was a very spoiled little girl and got some amazing presents.

Erin treat us to a lay in, getting up at 7:30! The one day we wouldn’t have minded her getting up really early and she decides not to. Oh well! We all headed downstairs together and got Erin some breakfast before John took her and the dog to the park. I managed to get myself washed and dressed during this time and ready for the day.

Unfortunately, Erin wasn’t really too bothered by presents. Our living room looked insane with how many presents there were but we got through them in the end. It took us ALL day to opened everything and even then, we did quite a few of them at the end. Erin loved trying to eat the wrapping paper more than anything I think.

Christmas wore us all out a few times. Erin and John went for a nap for a couple of hours before lunch while I cooked. We did attempt to give Erin a proper Christmas dinner but she wasn’t too bothered. She ate quite a few parsnips but not much else. Luckily I had the Ella’s Kitchen Jingle Belly pouch as a back up so she had that instead. Erin tend to flit between wanting finger food and pouches. I love Christmas dinner so I’m glad I decided to stick to tradition and cook!

We all then had a nap in the afternoon from about 3:30 to 5:30. I REALLY needed it. We then carried on with more presents but Erin really just wanted to play with her new table from Uncle Gary and Auntie Erika or her blocks from Grandma! Even though Erin wasn’t bothered about the actual presents she does have clear favourites already. For now anyway.

Erin went to bed super late and even then, I don’t really think she wanted to sleep. She may not have really known what had been going on but she knew it was fun! She was well and truly spoiled with some fantastic presents. I have actually managed to get most of it put away already apart from the Toot Toot sets which are in her bedroom still in the packaging. They can be sorted out another day.

As Christmases go, this has been my favourite. We all go to do what we wanted, when we wanted and there was no pressure to do anything at all. Even me, who normally stresses about times etc., was so chilled out the whole day. This is what Christmas should be like.

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