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Asmodee Blogger Board Game Club Review – Confident?


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This month, as part of the Asmodee Blogger Board Game Club we have been playing Confident?*, a quiz game with a bit of a difference.


What’s inside the box:


Confident? can be played either as single players or you can team up if you want to. This means that you can play with anywhere from 2 people right up to however many you want really. You might want to play at home with family or as a bigger group if you have people over. It would definitely make a great party game, adhering to current government guidelines of course. If you can’t play with other people at home then it would be easy enough to play via Zoom!

The game has cards with 200 different questions, such as how many official flavours of Walkers crisps are there. The aim of the game is to guess the answer but within a range. So you would pick the lowest amount you think as well as the largest amount you think while also figuring out the range in the middle.

The game is A LOT harder than you would think. I am absolutely terrible with measurements and distances so they are definitely my downfall. When me and Mum played sometimes our numbers were WAY off from each other and so funny when neither of us were anywhere close to being right.

Scoring points is quite hard as you either have to be within the range or get the right answer. It took me and Mum quite a few questions before either of us scored anything. However, once we got going we got a bit more into the swing of it.

What I really liked about this game is that the questions seem to be things that you think you should know the answers to. I was so sure I could get the answer right to how long the Lord of the Rings trilogy was from start to finish. I was close but not right!

Confident? is definitely one of my favourite games of this year. I know it’s going to be one we play over and over again and although the 200 cards will run out eventually, I’m not sure I’ll ever remember the answers to them!


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