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Caring For A Sad Puppy With Cry Pets

Emotion Pets Cry Pets Puppy

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Erin is nearly 5 and she’s at the age where she really notices things about other people’s emotions or if something is wrong with an animal. We have 2 cats at home, Jinx and Kirin, and Erin is so good with them both, always making sure they are okay and giving them a stroke to make them happy. However, Erin is always asking us for a dog for her to look after (not happening) so sometimes we like her to play with toys where we can replicate that and one she’s been playing with recently is the Emotion Pets Cry Pets Puppy.

The Cry Pets puppy is ready to play with out of the box and that means there is no waiting for an impatient child (something I always think is a big plus) and you need minimal extras to get going. The puppy comes with his very own bottle and a little towel/ cloth.

The bottle can be filled up by submerging it in water and gently squeezing. We found that the bottle didn’t actually get full but that might have been because we were doing it in a small jug. Regardless, we were able to get enough water inside to start feeding the puppy, which is done by gently squeezing the bottle into it’s mouth.

As the water goes into the puppy’s mouth you will see the eyes begin to fill up with ‘tears’. You only need the eyes to fill up to about half way for the crying to work. To make the puppy cry you press on one of the paws and the eyes spray out water. We weren’t quite ready for this as we were expecting maybe more of a gently cry instead. With this in mind, it’s a good idea to make sure you’re not facing anything that you don’t want to get wet!

Of course, both you, the child and the puppy are going to get wet so having the little cloth to hand is important! Erin really enjoyed wiping the puppy’s eyes after it had cried a bit but didn’t waste much time before feeding him again! Both Erin and I found that if the eyes got quite empty then pressing the paw became quite hard and it took a lot of work to get the puppy to cry. You are advised to empty to puppy of water to ensure it doesn’t go moudly but I think this will be quite hard to do as it just doesn’t cry if there isn’t much water left.

Erin really loves looking after her Cry Pets puppy and she comes home from school most days and checks that he is okay. It’s a really nice toy for encouraging not only imaginative play but also to help teach empathy and caring for others.

Cry Pets are available to buy in-store at Tesco.


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