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Celebrating 5 Years Of Marriage

Celebrating 5 Years Of Marriage

5 years ago, back in 2013, John and I were in Orlando, Florida getting ready to get married. When we originally booked our Florida holiday it was to celebrate me finishing university and for John’s 30th birthday and we definitely didn’t plan to get married there at the time. But, when wedding planning got harder and harder and neither of us could really decide on anything John came up with the idea of us getting married while we were away. It solved every single problem I was having with planning a wedding and getting married in Florida couldn’t have been easier.

In the past 5 years we have done so much. We bought a house, been on numerous great holidays and had a baby. The last 5 years haven’t been easy by any means and in fact, a good chunk of that time has been really bloody hard but we’ve got through it all together. This isn’t going to be a really long, slushy post, because that’s just not me so instead I thought I’d share some of my favourite pictures from our wedding instead.



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