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Celebrating Shakespeare Day

Erin asleep with Shakespeare quote

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Back when I was at university studying English I took a whole module about Shakespeare. Why I picked it at the time I have no idea. I think I thought I could get by watching some films and BBC adaptations but that really wasn’t the case at all. A lot of people need help with things like writing essays and can use companies like domyhomework123 if they want to.

Regardless of how I did in that module (not that well) Shakespeare is such an important part of our literary history and his works are still taught and used for so many different things today.

Recently Viking sent us a wonderful box of products and challenged us to do something creative with them to celebrate Shakespeare Day (23rd April). The box included so many great items and it was a really varied selection of products.

Of course, back in Shakespeare’s day he wouldn’t have been able to write with a ball point pen or type anything up on a computer so he would have used a quill and ink. I am so in love with this gorgeous quill set but writing with it is going to take a bit of getting used to.

One of the problems with reading a Shakespeare play is that they weren’t really intended to be read in that way. They were obviously meant to be seen on a stage, which makes them a lot easier to understand. Macbeth #killingit is such a fun book and it tells the classic story of Macbeth in modern language with text speak and emojis.

I enlisted my husband’s help with the creative aspect of this challenge. My mind had gone a bit blank and he has such a great way with words. I jokingly asked him to write me a poem about Shakespeare, only sort of thinking he might say yes, and within 10 minutes he had come up with something. I don’t know how he does it sometimes. I used some of the paper and the picture frame that we were sent to frame the poem but I’ve typed it out below so you can read it better!

It was a different kind of England,
where Shakespeare plied his trade

Where people bit their thumbs like tools,
were fortune’s fools,
like kids at school

A different kind of England
than what we see today
But still a place for Shakespeare’s plays
On twice a day with matinees

With Judi Dench and Gandalf too
A part of what we say and do

The language lives inside our minds,
such characters, the cruel and kind

Such household names that we all know
like Tybalt and Mercutio,
Bassanio, Antonio,
and wherefore art though…yeah you know

However much this England changes,
denigrates or rearranges

We will always need the Bard,
to make our lives a bit less hard

I couldn’t help but take this quick picture of Erin too while she was asleep a few days ago with the quote card we were sent as well.


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