Site icon Me, him, the dog and a baby!

A Family Trip To Great Yarmouth

A couple of weeks ago John took an extra day off work as he’d built up some time and we headed off on an adventure to Great Yarmouth for the day. Great Yarmouth is only an hour away from us on the bus but I’ve only ever been once before.

As soon as we got to Great Yarmouth we started our day off with a naughty McDonald’s breakfast. We only just managed this though as we got there at 10:22! Erin had loads of fun with coffee stirrers and ate a bit of a hash brown but she wasn’t really too bothered as she’d just woken up.

We headed straight for the Sea Life Great Yarmouth (review coming soon) because we wanted to make sure Erin was awake for it. She loved our last trip to the one in London so I couldn’t wait to take her again. We had so much fun and this time Erin was a bit more prepared for what was going on. She still ran around like a lunatic though.

After seeing the fish we headed to Harry Ramsden’s for lunch. Honestly, I wasn’t impressed. Coming from Grimsby I’m a bit of a snob when it comes to fish and chips. I’m used to decent prices and amazing food. We paid £20 ish for 1 fish and chips and 2 portions of chips and it was pretty average at best. I won’t be going back!

Even though I wasn’t so impressed with lunch, I didn’t let it spoil our day. We then went to the beach because it’s Erin’s new found favourite thing to do. She was so happy to get her shoes off and play in the sand.

Unfortunately the weather wasn’t too great and it was super windy on the beach. We could only stay for a little while before we had to go. Erin was getting too cold and we were getting sand in ours eyes. Instead of staying on the beach we then went for a walk down the prom, playing a few games and let Erin go on a few rides. She loved them. Spending 50p or £1 to see her that happy is so worth it!

Just before getting the bus home we had an ice cream near the pier and a quick look around the shops. It was a very long day but we had so much fun! Erin was absolutely exhausted and fell asleep on the bus on the way home. She was so tired in fact that she went straight to bed when we got home and stayed there all night!

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