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Home Christmas: How to Make it Special

Christmas wrapping

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Christmas is a special time, and it’s one of the few times of the year when the majority of us can take some time off and put our feet up. But with the possibility of lockdowns and restrictions on movement and gatherings, we might need to be a little more creative as to how we make Christmas special. We know that picking out great gifts for everyone is important, but here I’m going to concentrate more on the social aspects of Christmas.


The great Christmas tree debate rages throughout society at this time every year, and although this year is different, the debate rages. Maybe it’s possible to allow a little slack on this one. We are going to miss out on so many Christmas trips, no school concert or plays, Christmas Fayres, or even just visiting the shops where the big tree and the commercial lights are on display. Put the decorations up, put them up early, and get more than usual. It will brighten up the house.

Family Games

We are all spending much more time at home, and more time with each other. We can spend the time playing family games over the holiday period. Much of this depends on the age of the kids, younger kids will love to hide and seek (I do too), snap. For the older one’s charades or even a board game, Monopoly is good if you want an argument!

Crafts for Everyone

Making things together brings people together. It can be just for fun or making gifts. Some gadgets can make lovely things, so check out these ribbon projects, as an example.


You will find it difficult to see the number of relatives you normally would, but there are alternatives. Arrange a Zoom party, most of us now have a taste of what these are like. It can give us a bit of respite from having to cook for a dozen or more people giving you more time to enjoy the day.


It may be a good time to look back on all of the past Christmas days (minus the Dickensian ghosts) and get those photos and videos out. It is a joyous experience for you and the kids to see them when they were younger, smaller, and cuter.

The Dinner

Preparing Christmas dinner is a chore, lots of food, for lots of people having to co-ordinate to all be ready at once! With a smaller gathering, why not try an alternative Christmas dinner this year? Ditch the turkey for spicy food, seafood, or even meat-free, this could make it a new tradition.

Remember Others

Christmas is fun, enjoyable, and a warm family time, but it’s important to remember that for others, it can be a stressful and testing time. It’s always a nice gesture to remember those less fortunate and consider helping out. Volunteer at a charity, such as those that provide food and help to the vulnerable at this time of year. Or simply donate to a charity if you don’t have the time.

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