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London: A City Worth Exploring

London: A City Worth Exploring

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Over the years John and I have been to London quite a few times. Last year we went at least 4 or 5 times. Even though Erin is only 2 we want her to experience different places in the UK, especially cities as diverse as London. We only have one trip planned this year for a day before we go on holiday in April but we have a lifetime to see as many things as possible. So, with that, I wanted to talk a bit about some of the things I want to do in London on our next few trips.

London Zoo

I have been to London Zoo a few times but not yet with Erin. She has only been to a small zoo that’s local and a bigger zoo but just after she’d turned 1 so she really won’t remember. For me, London Zoo is one of the best I have ever been to and I want Erin to experience just how amazing it is.

Little Venice

Little Venice is somewhere my sister told me about and I hadn’t really heard of it before. Little Venice is full of gorgeous waterways and canals along with waterside cafes! You can take a boat trip passed places like Camden and London Zoo, among many other fantastic places.

Crystal Palace Park

This is another relatively new place for me. I always try to find somewhere fun for Erin alongside whatever else we’re in London for and I always like to make sure we do something outdoors. Crystal Park Palace looks like so much fun for us all because there is so much to do. Not only is it a park but there is a zoo, a maze and a play area.

River Thames Cruise

One of the most well-known attractions in London is the River Thames. I know quite a few people who have been on a River Thames cruise and I would love to do one myself. There are so many different options available with things like lunches, dinners and theme nights available along with really educational tours as well! I can imagine this being a really lovely thing to do in spring or summer.

I’m not sure we’ll ever work our way through everything we want to do in London as a family and these are just a few ideas. I love doing things that maybe not everyone knows about mixed in with some well-known tourist attractions.

I’d love to know what you’d like to do in London. Let me know in the comments! 


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