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Remembering Our Fantastic Firsts With Little Tikes

Disclaimer: We received this item for the purpose of this review. All opinions are our own. 

As a parent, whether it be your first time or 4th time, you experience firsts with your child all the time and with Erin turning 3 in just under 2 months I have been enjoying looking back at some of the things we have done up until now. We have teamed up with Little Tikes to celebrate #LittleTikesFantasticFirsts and the Fantastic Firsts Toy range so I wanted to share some of these moments that I have experienced as a new and first time Mum. We have some lovely Little Tikes milestone cards which celebrate the magical milestones rather than the ones you get in more traditional milestone card packs.

Due to our personal situation we never had babysitters when Erin was a baby and we still don’t. I was so lucky to get to spend so much quality time with Erin as a baby and we were able to do so much together. We went to weekly classes for sensory activities, baby yoga and even swimming when Erin was a couple of months old. I tried to pack in as much as I could with Erin but some of our best times were having lazy days at home playing and having fun.

I clearly remember the day Erin rolled over for the first time, the first times she said Mama and Dada and the first time she walked across the living room was something I will never forget. Erin was never really much of a crawler and she kind of skipped that altogether so those first steps were an incredible thing to witness.

Now that Erin is older, mobile and talking like the chatterbox I know she gets from me, we experience so many different kinds of firsts. She has a sassy nature and quite often gives me very clever answers when I ask her to do something or say we need to get something done. Unfortunately, I have ended up sounding like my mum far too often and admitting that is hard! I remember the first time I attempted to tell Erin off (sort of) but just ended up sounding exactly like my mum instead and it stopped me in my tracks. I still recognise it more than I’d like to admit.

The Little Tikes Fantastic Firsts range is a wonderful range of toys to encourage children from as young as 6 months right up until age 3. We were sent the Little Tikes Sleepy Stacker and the Little Tikes Singing Sorter and while these are aimed at children from 6 and 12 months, it doesn’t stop Erin from playing with them. These toys are interesting, bright and colourful and perfect to enable curious minds to learn a new skill.

The Sleepy Stacker comes with 3 adorable characters who each have 3 pieces needed to put them together; a head, body and legs. When the characters aren’t put together, they are asleep as shown with the bunny in the picture below. It’s only when the pieces are put together that the creature wakes up and opens it’s eyes.

To help encourage and stimulate children’s senses while playing with the Sleepy Stacker, each of the characters has something special about them. One character has crinkly wings, another has a rattling belly and the other makes a noise when you shake it. These toys are really simple but can be played with in more than 1 way. The creatures can be put together in the traditional way, you can make towers with them and create something new and different, you can use them as sensory toys and you can also use them to learn colours!

The Fantastic Firsts range is designed to encourage your little ones to take their first steps, say their first words and discover something new for the first time too! I love that they’re aimed at children right up until 3 years old so they’re toys that will last and be played with for a long time as well.

You can download the Little Tikes milestone cards here:


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