Site icon Me, him, the dog and a baby!

Testing teethers

I really can’t believe that Erin is teething already. She’s 4 months old. I thought we had ages until we got anywhere near this stage but apparently I have no idea how babies work and I really am learning as I go.

Erin is a big old drooly mess at the moment and her poor gums always seem to hurt. Teething gel is working on and off but a teether is what Erin needs. Unfortunately, she’s not very good at holding things yet seeing as her hands are still super small. I have tried a few different teethers with her but until just the other day, she hasn’t really liked any of them!

I saw the MAM starter teether and clip while looking for something else on Amazon and only really bought it because I could clip it to Erin without her throwing it on the floor. For £4.94 I got something fantastic and a teether Erin loves.

As you can see, she can hold this one really well with either one or both hands and she can put it in her mouth all on her own. She gets so excited when she does this for the first time every day. It’s like she forgets that she can do it and looks so proud of herself and giggles at me.

Erin will quite happily chomp away on this teether for 15 or 20 minutes before getting frustrated that it doesn’t reach the back of her mouth! She then throws it down in a bit of a huff which is where the clip comes in super handy!

I’m not really a fan of the teether being bright pink but there was no other option available. Erin also prefers MAM soothers over any other brand so I guess we’ll be checking out what else they sell!

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