Raising Awareness About Colic With Infacol

Looking back to 3 years ago when I was pregnant with Erin, I feel like I probably should have done more reading. Not in a read for pleasure sense but more of pregnancy and parenting books. I know that some people think that these kinds of books put the fear of God into you and can be like Googling something when you’re ill but I think they would have prepared me so much more. You see, as a first time parent especially, there are so many things I didn’t know and hadn’t even heard of.

What’s The Deal With Matching Baby Names?

When you first find out you’re pregnant so many things run through your mind. For me, picking a name was a really big deal because I am so super picky. To start with, we had to come up with a list for both boys and girls before we had our gender scan. John and I couldn’t agree on many names to be honest. I liked some that he didn’t and vice versa. Since having Erin I realise that we were sort of lucky that we only had her name to think about. For families with

The Mum Who Loved Baby Classes

Erin is nearly 2 and it has been quite some time since we stopped going to any baby classes or groups. We stopped going to our last one, Music in Motion a while ago now. That one in particular runs past toddler age but Erin’s nap times were making going impossible so we were just throwing money away pretty much. The thing about baby classes is always having something fun to do with your child. We used to go to Baby Sensory and Baby Yoga, as well as swimming. I used to love having something

How Erin Got Her Name

Before we even knew that Erin would be a girl, we had a list of names that we liked. Strangely, the list didn’t actually have any boys names on it. I’m super picky and I don’t like names that can be shortened. This made our list VERY short. I think we only had a couple of names on the list and even then, I wasn’t sold on any of them. I realised recently that I had never written about how Erin got her name. On the day we had our 20 week scan I had

Guest Post: I Wish I’d Tried Harder

Today I’m happy to have Ami from Through Ami’s Eyes on the blog talking about a topic that is really important to me; the struggle to breastfeed. As someone who had problems with this personally, it’s great to hear from someone else! When Pickle was born almost 3 years ago it was a pretty difficult time. I had to be induced and was kept in hospital for the week whilst they were trying to move things along due to my blood pressure. When he was born he was quickly whisked away as he had a

A surprise baby shower with Party Bags and Supplies

AD | Gifted Items Most Tuesdays I go out with a group of friends and our children. We’d been going to baby yoga together since Erin was about 9 or 10 weeks old so I’ve known them a long time now! One particular friend is due with her second baby in May so I decided to throw her a little surprise baby shower. Party Bags and Supplies helped us out with some wonderful ‘Guess How Much I Love You’ decorations. I decided to book afternoon tea for the baby shower because my friend and her

Homemade Smash Cake Shoot

I have known for months that I wanted Erin to have a smash cake for her 1st birthday. This is the only year she’ll get to do this I think and I wanted her to do something really fun on her birthday. I know you can go and have professional smash cake photo shoots done but I wanted this to be something John and I did together at home. I am crap at baking so I didn’t even attempt to make a cake myself. My wonderful friend from work picked us up a chocolate smash

How Erin Spent Her Birthday

So yesterday was Erin’s 1st birthday and seeing as we’ve never done this before, neither John or I knew what to expect. I don’t really think it went as we thought it would. We started the day off getting up quite early. Erin doesn’t really sleep at the minute. She obviously didn’t understand that it was her birthday but we did try to make a big deal about it. After how long presents took on Christmas Day we did things a bit differently. Erin showed no interest whatsoever in actually opening presents. She would pick