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The Books I Read In May

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Since John bought me a new Kindle* at Christmas I have been reading a lot more than I have done for quite some time. Every month I’m going to share a couple of my favourites so that you might find inspiration for your next read.

Someone Like You by Tracy Corbett*

What happens on holiday doesn’t always stay on holiday…

When mousy factory-worker Lilith Monroe meets gorgeous Will Taylor on holiday, she reinvents herself as Lily, a risk-taking costume designer extraordinaire. What’s the harm in a few white lies when she’ll never see Will again?

Back in England, Will can’t stop thinking about Lily. When his events company needs a costume designer last minute for the Royal Windsor Festival, it’s like fate is knocking on his door. He can hire Lily and see if the spark is still there. Except he hasn’t been entirely honest with Lily…

Can a holiday fling become something more, or are there too many untruths between Lilith and Will?

I have to admit that when I first started reading this book I wasn’t sure if I was going to like it or not. I can’t say too much without giving away a pretty big spoiler though. It’s not a bad thing really either, just something I don’t like in the books I read usually. I was so glad that I carried on with this one though because I ended up loving it.

Lily and Will are great characters who meet each other on a fantastic holiday in the Caribbean. They’ve been through a lot and want to escape, which is exactly what they do. They agree to leave it as a holiday fling and go off home (alone) when the holiday ends. It was really funny to see the situations that Lily and Will ended up in after the holiday and although a but unbelievable sometimes, a fun and different setting.

I really enjoyed this one in the end!

The A to Z of Us by Hannah Doyle*

Alice is a self-confessed cynic when it comes to love. She’s never had a serious relationship herself and after supporting her best friend through a devastating break-up, she’s not about to let down her barriers anytime soon. Relationships always end badly.

Zach is a romantic. Even after his parents got divorced, he still believed in love and is eager to settle down and have a family of his own. He just hasn’t met The One yet.

After a chance meet-cute at an art gallery, Zach is immediately intrigued by Alice and realising their names bookend the alphabet suggests that their next date needs to begin with a B. Alice agrees to one date while Zach is determined to make her believe in love. But can love ever be as easy as abc?

From the minute I started this book I knew it was one for me; I was laughing within minutes. A chance meeting sees Alice and Zach start a string of dates with a theme of A to Z.

The book is told from a dual POV from both main characters and for the most part I liked this. Both character’s personalities shone through immediately and it was really easy to connect with them both. Zach does come across as quite young though at times with the way he describes how he feels about certain things, sort of how you would imagine a teenager to think about things. However, this isn’t all of the time and it was only a slight niggle.

I absolutely loved the idea behind the story. Of course, Alice and Zach’s names begin with A and Z so what a fun idea to go on an alphabet run of dates. Not only did it mean so many really fun different setting but also characters in a lot of different scenarios.

This isn’t your average love story of will they won’t they and I liked that there was quite a few twists and turns throughout. I couldn’t put this one down!

Primrose Park by Christie Barlow*

Vet Molly has always been career driven and focussed on caring for her animals, but when she meets a gorgeous Mystery Man at a conference and their connection is off the charts, well, one night off work won’t hurt anyone…except the next morning he’s vanished and all Molly knows about him is his first name.

Three months later, back in Love Heart Lane, everyone loves the story of Molly’s amazing one-night stand.  It’s so unlike her! But when Mystery Man turns up walking his dog through Primrose Park and their night together seems to mean nothing to him, Molly needs her friends and neighbours more than ever. And especially when she’s left with the most unexpected of surprises…

I have only read one other book in this series so definitely haven’t followed in the right order but that doesn’t matter, each book can be read on its own if you want to.

Main characters Molly and Cam meet at a hotel and after a quick spark between them, they end up having a one night stand. Cam is gone before Molly wakes up though and she knows very little about him apart from his name and that he’s a dentist. The story picks up 3 months later and Molly finds herself in a bit of a situation and before she knows it, Cam pops up out of nowhere and she has a lot to figure out.

Firstly, I loved Molly as a character. She had a career, great friends and was happy with how her life was for the most part. She was a strong woman and that was great to read. Molly was also really likeable and I think that helped me to get hooked in the book so quickly.

The setting of Primrose Park is fantastic because there are so many other wonderful characters to discover. I know some of these will have been in previous books but if you haven’t read them you won’t be missing any important details. If anything, it just makes me want to read the other books now.

Primrose Park wasn’t your average romance and there are some great twists and a sort of unexpected ending.


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