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The Ultimate Home Office Decor Checklist

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It doesn’t matter whether you have just started working from home, whether the kids need their own space to complete homework, or whether you simply need a quiet study or reading area to chill out in, a home office could be ideal. Creating a home office is difficult. It needs to be separate from the rest of the house to be sure of that work life balance. Ideally, it should be its own separate room rather than a little space under the stairs or a section of the dining room. A box room is perfect. Home office decor ranges from the stark to the homely. Read on to discover these home office essentials for your work haven.


Your office needs to be as clear as possible. Too much junk and stuff, and you will feel cluttered. This can make for a chaotic atmosphere which means that you won’t be productive. Any excuse not to work, and you probably won’t. The chances are that you will send your working day putting stuff away and tidying your desk rather than getting on with your freelancing work. Instead, keep it simple. Have a desk, a chair, some drawers and a bookcase or shelves. By all means have books and CDs and documents stored within the room but make sure this is neat and ordered. Being organised in your home office means that you will be organised in your work.


You could choose to go to a vintage shop to pick up an old antique bureau. These can be picked up for less money than a modern desk from the high street. This could add character to your room and allow you to enjoy a one off piece of furniture within your home. If you like being unique and not following trends, you will love older and vintage pieces. Alternatively, you could go for the modern look with a functional desk and ergonomically designed chair. Whatever you choose, you must make sure that your furniture is fit for purpose and that it is comfortable. Ensure that it will house your Apple Mac complete with the newest macOS Catalina, your printer, your tablet and your other gadgetry.


You may think that white walls are the way to go for your office. While this will allow all available natural light to bounce across your room, and you will enjoy the illusion of space, your home office could look a little bland. Remember, this is your home and your space. If you are going to be spending eight hours a day working in this area of the home, you need to love the decor. If you want a feature wall, whip up some geometric wallpaper. If you love patterns and bold colours, add some colourful drapes and the odd cushion or two to make your home office feel more cosy.

Your home office needs to be conducive to productive work, but it also needs to be personal to you and reflect your individuality. Make sure that you adore being in your home office and that you can see yourself working happily at your desk for many years to come.

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