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Aqua Sana Spa At Center Parcs Elveden Forest

Aqua Sana Spa At Center Parcs Elveden Forest

Something I had been looking forward to since the minute we booked out holiday at Center Parcs was the spa. I had heard so many great things about Aqua Sana and I was desperate to experience it for myself. I’m 31 and I had never actually been to a spa before so I was really excited. My sister was super nice and paid for my spa visit as a very early Christmas present. There are loads of different packages available but we got a 3 hour session and it cost £69, not including treatments. Packages vary depending on the time of year so this particular price/ package may not be available.

Our session was from 3-6 but we arrived at around 2:20 as our archery activity had finished at 2pm. We were let in no problem and the women on reception didn’t seem at all bothered that we were early. We were shown through to the changing rooms where we could help ourselves to robes and towels and to get changed. The changing rooms are very open and there is only 1 private changing room so if you’re bothered by getting changed in front of people there is at least somewhere to hide. The changing rooms have loads of lockers which work with your Center Parcs wrist bands and there are also large mirrors and hair dryers and some seats.

As you leave the changing room you can either go to your right which will take you to treatment rooms and the cafe or you can head downstairs to the main part of the spa. There are two levels to the spa with experiences available on both so it’s definitely worth making sure you have a really good look round.

Our package didn’t include any treatments like facials or massages and honestly, these are mega expensive and can really bump up the price of your spa visit quickly. However, at Elveden Forest you do get 15 experiences included in the price and these include:

It was quite exciting figuring out where to start and what to try first. The spa is circular so we figured that working our way around was the best idea. All of the rooms have descriptions on the outside so if you’re like me and have no idea what is what, you can see what you may or may not like. We started off with one of the really hot rooms, the Tyrolean Sauna and I couldn’t stay in there too long. I quickly decided that I much preferred a warm room that I could sit in comfortably and there are plenty!

If you get too warm on your way around there is an outdoor heated pool where you can cool down a bit. Also, there are ice fountains dotted around and they make your skin feel amazing once you’ve got a bit hot and sweaty. There is cold water available too which is really needed. It’s so important to stay hydrated during your visit!

One of my personal favourite parts of the Aqua Sana spa was the water beds. These are on the higher level of the spa and there aren’t that many. I did have to wait for one to become available and I only really got to use one by chance. However, while my sister went back into a hot room, I laid down and closed my eyes and had the most relaxing 20 minute power nap.

We didn’t stay until 6pm but instead only stayed until about 4:30. We had nearly 2 full hours in the spa and that was perfect for us. We went in all of the different rooms I think and had a great time relaxing. I think I could have probably stretched to 3 hours had I had a longer nap and gone back to some of the experience rooms but I don’t think I could do a full spa day without having proper treatments.

I LOVED my Aqua Sana experience and I am desperate to go back. I now know what people rave about when they talk about going to the spa at Center Parcs and it was well worth the visit!

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