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Could You Upgrade Your Wedding Plans?

Wedding scene

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Your wedding plans are going great, aren’t they? You’ve got a skeleton to work with and add to when you want to, and when you think of something you absolutely have to include, and you’ve got plenty of options to um and ah over until you finally decide on what kind of cake you want for the big day. But could your wedding plans do with an upgrade? Could they be made a little more personal? Let’s think about it!

What About Some Different Colours?

Wedding colour schemes are often pale and pastel, and a lot of people swear by the colour white. But when you think about it, are you a fan of white washed colours and minimalist themes? They’re popular, of course, but they’re not for everyone to indulge in! And a lot of wedding items and materials only come in these kind of colour schemes; it’s hard to see another option.

But this is your big day! If you want a flaming red dress to get married in, or you want to walk down a bright green carpet to meet your partner at the altar, or you want to eat off of bright yellow plates at the reception, go ahead and do so! If it’ll make you happy, and it makes your partner happy, that’s all the agreement on the wedding color scheme that you need.

What About Some Live Music?

Music at a wedding is standard. You have some nice, choral, and quiet music playing whilst everyone arrives and find their seats, and you’re probably going to have a loud and striking organ (or similar instrument) playing as you take your first steps down the aisle. But once again, you don’t have to be quiet and familial with the sound of your wedding day.

There’s lot of wedding bands out there who can play loud, and have plenty of songs on the roster that have heavy beats and bass lines to them. Take a look through hiring websites before you settle on any, to see if there’s a live music option more suited to your tastes nearby.

What About Some New Foods?

It’s going to take a while to get the menu all ready for the wedding reception, and you’ve got to keep in mind the food intolerances any of your guests might have. But if the menu is taking way too long, and your mother can’t decide if she’s going to have a prawn cocktail starter or some soup, why not do away with those options completely?

Plenty of catering companies offer more simple options, or they’ll let you implement a ‘surprise’ menu for people to dig into. A bit of fried chicken here, some classic fish and chips there, etc. Or maybe some more exotic foods you’ve always wanted to try! It’s a new chapter in your life, why not mark it with some new flavours?

Your wedding plans have a lot of distance to cover, but make sure you’re happy with your choices!


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