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How To Prepare Your Garden For Spring

How To Prepare Your Garden For Spring

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Now that the Beast From The East is firmly behind us I think we can finally start looking forwards towards spring. One thing I love the most about spring is being able to get out in the garden again. I really miss spending time in the garden over winter but unfortunately, the rain destroys a large part of our lawn if we walk on it too much. There will be a lot of people in the same position as me so I thought I’d share some tips on how to prepare your garden for spring.

Clear The Weeds

Giving your garden a general tidy up is always a great place to start in spring. By getting rid of weeds and dead plants you can make way for anything new to grow and it also helps to give you healthy ground to plant something new. One of the biggest problem weeds is Japanese knotweed.

Back when my sister was a student in Sheffield her house had a real problem with Japanese knotweed but unfortunately, as it was rented, it wasn’t possible to get rid of it! Eradicating Japanese knotweed is nearly impossible unless you get professionals in to help. What’s scary really is that it can grow to be a massive 13ft high. Imagine how that would take over your garden!

If having Japanese knotweed in your garden wasn’t bad enough then there is the additional damage it can cause. The Japanese knotweed needs water so searches for it. Tiny cracks in anything can become exposed and you could end up with your patio floors being destroyed, walls and fences can be forced to the ground if the Japanese knotweed grows through it and then there are the problems it can cause to your house! If Japanese knotweed manages to get underneath the house it can sneak it’s way in and come up through the floors!

This weed is such a pain to remove that you are selling your house you are required to state whether or not Japanese knotweed is present on the property. Whether you are a homeowner, renter or looking to sell then Japanese knotweed should not be ignored! And if your backyard has some overgrown trees and bushes, tree trimming or pruning might be vital. is a licensed and certified company that can handle the job for you.

Clean The Patio

Our patio takes a bit of a beating in the winter. Our rabbit hutches are on the patio as is the coal bunker, bins and the storage units. We tend not to go on the grass a lot during the winter so the patio sees the most footfall but it does get muddy and neglected during these months. Just before spring we like to give the patio a really good scrub and clean out any weeds and grass that may have grown between the cracks. We used to move the rabbit hutches too and clean where they are but unfortunately, they’re a little bit delicate now and probably wouldn’t survive another move.

Plan For Planting

After the weeds are cleared you should have some nice space to plan for any new plants or to rejuvenate the grass. We generally have to sort out the lawn every single year and that means preparing the ground first. Any dead grass needs to be removed and the soil needs to be turned over before any grass seed is put down. We used to have a dog and he destroyed the lawn somewhat so it’s a bit of a struggle to keep it looking nice now.

These are just a few easy ways to get your garden ready for spring. I’m counting down the days now until the weather is nice enough again to get out there with Erin and for us both to do some gardening together!




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