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Review: Geomag Supercolour Panels

Review Geomag Supercolour Panels

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When it comes to playing Erin loves to be creative but we also like to find toys that will challenge here whilst also having fun. The 52 piece Geomag Supercolour Panels* set is a great starter kit if you’re looking for a magnetic toy for your child.

The Geomag Supercolour Panels set is aimed at children from age 5 and it comes with 52 pieces. These are:

All of the plastic pieces are made from 100% recycled plastic, as is the box it comes in. The box is a really nice size without being too big meaning that it would be easy to take these away somewhere with you if you wanted to.

Before even starting to play with this set I really liked that all of the base panels came in a little storage bag and the rods and spheres were in 2 separate storage boxes. Sets like this that come with quite a lot of pieces can easy go all over the place or get lost so this is a great way to keep everything together.

The Geomag Supercolour Panels set also comes with a little instruction booklet however, it’s not really designed just for this set but rather a wider Geomag range. The booklet shows you various things that you can do with the pieces but you might not be able to do everything shown with the set you have. For instance, in the picture above you can see a big tower made from triangles but you would need additional pieces to be able to make this.

Although you get the instruction booklet your children might not want to use it. Erin didn’t care about having a look at what she could do but instead just went straight in and started to put something together herself. As we have played with similar sets before she knew what she was doing and just wanted to be creative.

The magnetic rods can be used along with the magnetic spheres to create all kids of different shapes, both 2D and 3D. You can build things up from a base and make whatever shape you want really. The base plates come in standard shapes like squares, triangles and pentagons which are also a great way to start making something. You do have to be quite gentle with the baseplates to get them to stay in a shape well and they do come out quite easily so you have to be patient with these.

One of the great things about this set is that you can play with it for hours and make so many different things, especially if you have additional pieces like we do. It’s a great toy not only for children but one that adults can get involved in as well.


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