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5 Quick Ways To Make Some Extra Cash For Summer

5 Quick Ways To Make Some Extra Cash For Summer

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So many families find summer one of the hardest times of the year. Some parents are forced to take time off during the summer holidays and with 6 or more weeks to fill with activities, it can end up costing a small (or large) fortune. I’m lucky that Erin can go to nursery all year round but this does also mean paying for her sessions over the summer holidays too. I always try to make some extra money where I can so I thought I’d share some ideas for how to make some quick cash this summer.

Car Boot Sales

I love doing car boot sales, despite not actually having a car. A local charity runs one in the middle of the town where I live once a month and luckily, it’s only a 5 minute walk from my house. This means I can get John to carry everything down there for me and I get to try to sell what I can while he has a day with Erin… well, until I need things carrying back home! I haven’t made loads from car boot sales but I have made enough each time for a nice day out or two for us all.

Sell On Facebook

Selling on Facebook is something I do all year round, not just for the summer. I personally find Facebook much easier than eBay because I can sell to numerous groups at once and also, listing is so much easier than eBay. My husband jokes that I would sell everything I could if I could get away with it but that’s not quite true. I do try to de-clutter quite often though and it’s amazing how much you can find that you don’t actually use. I seem to have a cupboard that accumulates ‘stuff’ so it’s a great place to look now and again to raise some extra funds.

Raid Your Jewellery Box

Since I got married and we had Erin the way that I wear jewellery has completely changed. I used to have quite a collection of pieces that I would swap over from time to time, depending on my mood or what I was wearing. Some pieces were casual and some were more dressy so this meant a lot of the jewellery ended up stuck in a jewellery box for months on end. I found that recently that you can actually sell jewellery online. Instead of having jewellery collecting dust in a box you could get cash for gold instead.

Use Your House

Obviously I am not suggesting you sell your house here. If you’re already planning on going away at some point over the summer then why not think about renting your house out? So many people earn money by renting out rooms in their house for travellers or even renting out their whole house!

If you’re not looking to do something quite so big you might have a shed or garage that you can rent out instead. People are always looking for safe and affordable storage so this could be a way to earn a bit extra over the summer.

Be Creative

Do you have a talent for crafts or an eye for an amazing photograph? Etsy is a great way to make some money if you fancy setting up your own shop. The possibilities are endless for what you can sell if you have some imagination, time and patience. This isn’t technically a quick way of making cash but if you can make up items you know will sell in advance it would be a good opportunity to show what you can do.

Do you have any more ideas for ways to earn extra money this summer? Let us know in the comments. 

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