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Creating A Fun Outdoor Play Area At Home

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As a non-driving family we’re not always able to make a quick decision to go for a day out in the woods, the beach or to an amazing National Trust property. A lot of great places are only accessibly by car which sadly rules them out for us. However, we love being outdoors and Erin loves nothing more to play outside. It’s so important for children to learn about things such as nature, to get some fresh air and to exercise outside so we have done our best to create an exciting play area at home for Erin.

Utilise space

While we’re very lucky to have a large garden I know this isn’t the case for everyone. If you do have some kind of outdoor space, no matter what the size, it’s important to utilise the space you do have. This could mean being using space saving toys, storing things in a shed or box when they’re not being used or maybe it’s being creative with the way that you use things.

One of our favourite additions to the garden is a Tuff Tray. These can be used for setting up a range of activities from ice cream shops to dinosaur painting to sink and float activities. Not only that, but they can be used as sand and water tables or for other kind of games requiring a flat surface. We leave ours out in the garden because we have the big stand to go with it but if you struggle for space then the main piece can be used on the floor and is a lot easier to store.

Experiments With Water Tuff Tray

Play equipment

A sure way to get children interested in playing outdoors is with some play equipment. Running around and having fun is a fantastic way for children to get exercise and of course, it’s super fun at the same time. Something worth investing in is a bigger piece of play equipment. Fatmoose, for example, are a company who sell a fantastic range of swing sets, as well as climbing frames and sandpits.

Fatmoose JollyJungle Wild XXL

Having a big piece of equipment not only allows children to have a really fun time but it’s something they can play on with other people, whether that be grown ups or other children. Erin loves to be pushed on the swings by one of us but the climbing frame is a great place to play with her friends or cousins.

Mud kitchens

One of Erin’s favourite additions to our garden is the mud kitchen, which was a gift for her 4th birthday. We bought it while it was on sale so it’s a good idea to keep an eye out for a bargain or they can be made quite easily if you have wood spare at home. We have added a pallet to the back of ours with additional hooks and also used metal plant pots for Erin to keep her ‘ingredients’ in.

To add to the accessories for the mud kitchen we have used charity shops, garden sales and our local Facebook selling sites. Once a house around the corner was giving loads away due to needing it gone quickly and we came away with simple coffee makers, spoons and other kitchen utensils, all for free.

Erin enjoying the mud kitchen

Small toys and activities

Of course, having fun in the garden doesn’t mean having to spend a lot of money. Erin also enjoys different toys and games outside such as hula hoops, scooters and bikes. These kinds of toys are a lot easier to store and they are great for both small and large gardens. Some of our favourites include a ring toss, tennis rackets and a ball as well as creating an obstacle course with other items we have laying around.

There are so many ways that you can create a great outdoor space for your children. What matters is that you use the space you have, and it doesn’t matter whether that is big or small. 


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