Luxury Gift Ideas For Men

John’s birthday is coming up next month and you may have seen us post about some gift ideas a couple of weeks ago. Sometimes when it comes to birthdays you want to receive a gift that isn’t something you necessarily need but something a bit extravagant instead; something that little bit extra. So, here are some luxury gift ideas for men.

Experience Days

Something that could be a real treat as a birthday gift is some kind of experience day. There are so many options available now from driving days, hot air balloon rides or even a tour around a football stadium. If the man you’re buying for has a hobby or loves an adrenaline rush then an experience day could make a great gift for them.

A Nice Dinner

Some we don’t do very often as a couple is go out for a nice meal. In fact, we have been out together without Erin only once since she was born and that was nearly three years ago now. Even though we both joke that we would miss Erin too much to go out too often without her, I know John would love to go out for a really nice meal just the two of us for his birthday.

Wardrobe Upgrades

Personally, I love getting nice underwear and socks as presents and I don’t see why men would be any different. These aren’t things either of us spend money on throughout the year so getting something like designer socks from London Sock Company or boxers would be a real treat! That’s definitely better than a cheap, bulk packet of socks. Who can get excited about those?


One of the biggest luxuries I can think of to get John for his birthday is some new technology. I know he would love a laptop of his own, or even an iPad so he could watch things on TV while I take over the TV. Of course, he would need some pretty good headphones to go with these as well and with him using them so often, a really good pair would make a fantastic luxury gift.

What would you get as a luxury gift for your partner?


Disclaimer: This is a collaborative post. All opinions are our own. 


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