Great books for back to school from Books2Door

AD | Paid collaboration With the summer holidays getting close to the end, it’s time to start thinking about preparing for going back to school. If you’re looking to get ahead with subject books or brush up on some skills ahead of the new term, Books2Door has you covered.

5 Final Checks to Complete Before Your Kid Returns to School

AD | Collaborative post Back-to-school time can feel like a juggling act for parents. There are many things to think about, plan for and organize when kids return to school: updated school supplies, new clothes, academic programs, after-school activities and more. But the good news is that all of this planning is worth it.  A well-organized back-to-school routine helps your child get off to a great start. After all, you want them to have a fantastic school year. Here are five final checks to complete before your child returns to school. 1. Organize Your Child’s

Preparing for back to school with Books2Door

AD | Collaborative post The summer holidays always go far too quickly and by the time we know it, we’re preparing for our children to start a new year at school. We don’t like to go the whole summer without doing anything educational though and this year we’ve been helping Erin to prepare for Year 2 with Books2Door.

Back to school essentials

AD | Post contains gifted items and affiliate links (marked with *) It feels like we wait so long for the summer holidays to come around and then they are over before we know it. It’s now time to start thinking about getting prepared for the return to school in September. In not so many weeks we’ll be packing those school bags again so today I’m sharing some back to school essentials!

Back to school with the Frugi Explorer Waterproof Coat

AD | Post contains gifted items It’s less than 2 weeks until schools go back for the Autumn term here in Norfolk and to be honest, it doesn’t really feel like we had much of a proper summer at all. Sunny days have been few and far between and it won’t be long until we need thick jumpers and winter coats. Luckily, Erin has been kitted out in the Explorer Waterproof Coat from Frugi.

The Transition From Nursery To Infant School

Just over 2 weeks ago Erin had her very first session in Reception. Before Erin even finished nursery back in July we had started to prepare her for moving up to infant school. Luckily, the school is around the corner from our house and we saw it every day on the walk to nursery. I think having the new school so close to home really helped Erin to get used to the idea of going somewhere new. Obviously, with COVID and lock down, the end of nursery wasn’t quite how it was supposed to be

Top Tips For Leaving The House On Time

I can’t quite believe it but today is Erin’s first day at school. Well, it’s the first of her shorter transition sessions. Erin doesn’t actually start in Reception full time until 17th September so she’s got a little while to go yet. However, Erin has been going to nursery since she was 2 so we have quite a lot of practice with getting ourselves up and out the door in the morning. If your child will be starting school soon, or maybe even nursery, here are some tips to help you get out the door

Back To School Essentials For The New School Year

AD | Gifted items Can you believe we’re half way through the summer holidays already? When Erin finished nursery I thought the holidays would drag but they’re really going so far. Before we know it, the children will be going back to school and it’s time to get them prepared. Whether you’re already sorted or not, I wanted to share some ideas for back to school essentials! Growing up I think I was quite lucky to only have the dreaded head lice once. So far since January Erin’s nursery has only had one warning of