Healthcare Tips For During Pregnancy

Collaborative post Pregnancy is a remarkable journey that brings immense joy and excitement, but it also comes with its fair share of challenges and concerns. As an expectant mother, prioritising your health and well-being during this transformative period is crucial for ensuring a positive experience and promoting the optimal development of your little one.

The Evolution of Women’s Health Products: A Sustainable Approach

Collaborative post Our daily health routines demand thoughtful choices today – for our bodies and the wider world. This proves especially true for women balancing wellness across lifetimes. Seeking effectiveness needn’t come at the cost of sustainability anymore.  As consciousness grows around their composition and impacts, women’s care products undergo an overdue evolution. Welcome shifts towards mindful sourcing, natural ingredients, and reduced waste now expand options considerably. We vote with our wallets; demanding virtue and receiving answers. While no perfect solutions exist yet, the trajectory trends brighter for balancing personal and planetary health. Come explore

A failed smear test and the hunt for a missing cervix: an update

A little over a year ago I received a letter inviting me to go for a routine smear test. ‘Inviting’ makes it seem like I was going somewhere to do something fun and exciting; that’s a bit misleading really. Unfortunately, the smear test didn’t go to plan and here’s what happened.

The Case Of The Missing Cervix… An Update

A few weeks ago you might have seen a post about my most recent smear test. If you didn’t here’s a quick update… The smear test didn’t really go to plan and long story short, it took two nurses to try to do it but neither could find my cervix. Yes, I was just as shocked about that as they were. I was there for a good 20 minutes or so and there was a lot of searching going on but really, my cervix was nowhere to be found. Instead of carrying on, it was

Playing Find The Cervix – When A Smear Test Doesn’t Go To Plan

I’m sure we all know how important it is to book and go for our smear tests. I will admit though that I put mine off for quite some time and I wish I hadn’t. In the past I have had abnormal results which has resulted in a colposcopy and treatment. It’s not really something I want to have done again so since then I have booked in for my smear on the day the letter arrives. This time, things were quite different though. I turned up for my appointment as usual, although wearing a