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Though they may seem simplistic in nature, there are actually many different types of exit signs available. If you are in need of them to furnish your building, it helps to know the different types that may best suit you.
As it turns out, there is a litany of different signs that could fit your building needs. Here are some of the most common emergency exit signage that you will find when fitting your building.

LED Exit Signs
No matter what you choose, you can click here to choose from one of the many exit signs available. They are great for just about any public setting, be it a business, healthcare setting, industrial building, and everything in between. The most common type of sign you find is the Light Emitting Diode (LED).
As it pertains to exit signage, LED technology has been a game changer. LEDs provide both an elegant and efficient way to properly illuminate exit signs. LED is very similar to incandescent light bulbs but does their work without the filament. LED is more efficient while creating bright signage that won’t burn out for a long time to come. These are easily the best and most reputable options available where exit signage is concerned.
Edge-Lit Exit Signs
When it comes to indoor exit signs, edge-lit signs are a great option. They have a great design selection and are perfect because of the aluminum housing. Those housings can sit above the surface or be recess mounted on both walls and ceilings.
Recessed housing provides a seamless look that keeps things clean and neat. Using aluminum, these housings hold up for years to come. Moreover, the lighting is clearly provided to keep the “EXIT” language lit up and clearly visible at all times. These are also great for wet and freezing areas where LEDs could potentially become compromised.
Cast Aluminum Signage
Though they are available in plastic designs, there is something special about cast aluminum housings. Signage needs to be durable so that it can be read in even the riskiest of emergency situations. Being able to locate and read those exit signs can mean the difference between life and death.
Aluminum exit signs are meant to hold up in tougher environments, like industrial factories. They are also elegant enough that they can be installed in finer situations like a gourmet restaurant. These also come with battery backups to ensure that, should the power go out, things will remain lit up for as many as 90 minutes in the event of an emergency.
Non-Electrical Signs
While LED and edge-lit signage are commonplace these days, they are not the only options. There are non-electrical signs available because they are easily installed, provide a longer lifespan compared to other exit signs, and have basically non-existent operating and maintenance costs. For any business, keeping the bottom line in check is the way to go and there is no need to cut corners and leave yourself set up for potential fines and other penalties.
These signs are great for areas where electrical power is not readily available. Best of all, non-electrical signs will last as long as 25 years. You can install them and forget about them, having peace of mind knowing that there will be reliable exit signs to follow.
No matter which way you lean, it is critical to have exit signs posted around the premises. Doing so can mean the difference between life and death should an emergency arise. Exit signs keep things orderly and provide a clear exit route should an emergency occur.