Keeping warm with The Hot Water Bottle Shop

I know it’s the middle of April but we live in the UK. Spring doesn’t necessarily mean warm weather and I HATE being cold, especially on an evening. A hot water bottle normally does the trick to warm me up quickly.

My hot water bottle is getting quite old now. It was something John bought me a few years ago. Now that there are three of us in the house one hot water bottle just isn’t enough. We were lucky enough to be sent new hot water bottles from the Hot Water Bottle Shop. John has been given my old one while Erin and I have got lovely Mummy and daughter bottles. Poor John always gets the second hand stuff.

Erin generally wants whatever I have so I love the idea of us having our own hot water bottles. As you can see from the picture above, Erin has a small hot water bottle with a pink polka dot cover while mine is larger with a purple cover. Erin’s bottle is a bit more fun than mine and I like that!

These hot water bottles are a bit different than what I’m used to. These are Eco hot water bottles and I’d never even heard of them before. Unlike the traditional hot water bottle, these come in the form of a hard plastic. However, the bottle gets softer as you add the water!

One aspect of these bottles that I really like are the screw top lids. I HATE the tops on traditional hot water bottles because I always seem to get water spill out  no matter what I do.

Before I used these for the first time I was worried that they wouldn’t be as comfortable as what I was used to. I was really wrong. I was also a bit worried about how warm it would get for Erin. I did wait quite a while after boiling the kettle before filling hers. She didn’t quite understand what the bottle was far and I think it will be some time before she does. At the moment, she’s happy to have hers with a bit of warm water in just to be like Mummy.

These hot water bottles are fantastic quality and I know we’ll be using them for a long time. Even before using them you can tell they’re better than a regular, cheap hot water bottle!

REMEMBER: Never leave children and babies unattended with a hot water bottle.

Disclaimer: We received items for the purpose of this review. All opinions are our own.





13 thoughts on “Keeping warm with The Hot Water Bottle Shop”

  1. I’ve never really had a hot water bottle, apart from when I was a kid and it was particularly cold or I was ill. I was always so worried about the water spilling out, but these sound perfect (and so cosy!).

  2. These are perfect for the weather we are having at the moment. I love that they have scre top lids, I always find the traditional tops really tricky!

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