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This week’s children’s book review is a picture book; Frank and Bert by Chris Naylor Ballesteros. It was published by Nosy Crow and the book can be purchased on Amazon.

Frank and Bert are the best of friends and they LOVE to play hide and seek. But Bert the bear isn’t quite as good at hiding as he thinks he is . . . and Frank ALWAYS wins! Every. Single. Time.
But when it’s Bert’s turn to hide, and Frank has to decide between winning again OR making his friend happy, Frank learns that friendship is always the true winner.
This interactive and entertaining story about friendship is guaranteed to get children giggling!

Being a child and understanding what being a good friend means can be difficult. Sometimes children’s emotions overcome them and they sometimes don’t know how to act in certain situations. Frank and Bert is all about friendship, best friends to be exact.

Frank and Bert love playing hide and seek but Frank always wins. This makes Bert sad and being a good friend, Frank wants to do something about that. The illustrations showing Frank and Bert playing hide and seek together are great. The characters themselves are quite simple, with Frank being a fox and Bert being a bear but they look super fun on the page.

Frank and Bert is such a wonderful book about friendship and sometimes doing something you might not want to do in order to help a friend. In this case, Frank could have easily won a game of hide and seek but instead, pretended to not find Bert so that he could be happy and win.
Not only is this book about friendship but it’s a great way to help children learn to count from 1 to 100, as you need to count with Frank while he waits for Bert to hide!