AD | Collaborative post
While there’s absolutely nothing wrong with being shy, and children break out of their shells at different rates, most parents would prefer to raise a confident, outgoing child. Confidence is what we all need in order step out of our comfort zones, try new things, meet new people, and really just reach our full potential in all areas of life. Of course, raising a confident child is easier said than done, which is why I have teamed up with a private school in Somerset to offer some advice.
Confidence is all about feeling sure of yourself and your abilities, so it would be a good idea to help your child find that realistic sense of what they’re capable of by giving them some simple responsibilities around your home. You could tell them that it’s their responsibility to feed or walk the dog after school or set the table every night for dinner. As they get older, these tasks can become increasingly more challenging. Giving them responsibilities like this shows them that you trust them and have faith in their abilities. It shows them what they’re capable of. What’s more, each time you praise them for successfully completing their tasks, they will receive a well-deserved self-esteem boost.
Praise in general is important and it’s equally important to refrain from being hard on your child if things go wrong. Try and stick to positive terminology when talking to your child, even about their failings. For instance, “I know you’re disappointed that you didn’t get a good grade on your exam but you should be so proud of yourself for revising so hard” or “Thank you for owning up to breaking my necklace, that was very brave and I’m proud of you for being honest. Next time you will know to be more careful”. The idea is to encourage a growth mindset and teach your child that they can learn from their mistakes rather than allow them to hold them back.
Encouraging your child to join an extra-curricular club is another great way to help them with their confidence. This is because hobbies and clubs provide an opportunity for your child to develop a range of key skills and make fantastic friends, all contributing to self-assurance. Imagine that sense of pride your child will feel when they win a football match or successfully perform a piece of music in front of an audience. Every achievement will give your child a little ego boost that will help them feel secure, as opposed to insecure. Talk to your child’s teachers about any extra-curricular activities provided at the school or have a look online at options in your local area.