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In less than a month, I will turn 28. But, this is not just another candle on my birthday cake—rather, it is a year of life lessons and learning that I have added to my adult life. I would’ve liked to say the year flew by so quickly, but it’s far from the truth.
In my late twenties, I have experienced too much too quickly. Crossing twenty-five, I realised I was no longer free from worries and concerns that never bothered me in my late teens, nor fraught with the responsibilities of thirty-somethings. I was officially adulting, anxious and facing a quarter-life existential crisis.
The way I see it, as Halloween approaches, I find myself retrospecting on the events and things that genuinely freaked me out. No, I am not talking about being frightened by a ghost or monster; rather, I am talking about the contemporary fears that can make anyone want to get up and run!
Here’s my list of the top ten list of Halloween scares that still keep me up at night.
1. Bad Credit
The mere thought of bad credit and bad credit payday loans sends a shiver down my spine. It’s like Bruce, the man-eating shark from Jaws is out to get you, but the only difference is that he’s a loan shark. As a twenty-seven-year-old navigating the ups and downs of adulthood, just the idea of being denied a credit card or a loan is simply terrifying.
Credit cards are a lifeline for people like me who grew up in the internet generation on a steady diet of impulsive online shopping. I would much rather voluntarily enter a haunted house than face the undesired consequences of bad credit.
2. Not Planning My Estate
I recently watched a documentary on the life of Howard Hughes, one of the richest and most successful men of his time. He was a fine aviator and revolutionised the American movie industry, yet he was not prudent in planning his estate. With no will to be found, it was disheartening to watch how many struggled to claim his estate after his death.
Even though I am not as wealthy or as powerful as Howard Hughes, I’ve learned that it is still important to plan your estate in advance. There’s no defined age to plan your estate. It’s also important to understand that besides a will, there are other estate planning instruments like the power of attorney and trusts. Thanks to law firms taking their services online, it’s now easier than ever to draft a will and get a power of attorney online approved in less than a day.
Nothing scares me more than knowing my loved ones have to suffer, struggle, and run from pillar to post dealing with property or financial matters after I have passed away.
3. Sold Out Limited Edition Collection
Talking about death brings me to another thought I’ve had – what legacy will I leave behind? I’m no Richie Rich to leave behind a dozen classic and high-end automobiles, but I certainly have a good eye for collecting limited-edition fan merchandise. That’s the legacy I plan to leave behind for my inheritors.
Looking for the latest gaming and movie merchandise is tough. Countless collectors like me are looking for hot new collectables of the latest Beetlejuice movie or limited edition quirky merchandise like Street Fighter ducks, so the competition is really tough.
The Halloween nightmare for any collector like me is searching for a limited collectable and staring at a ‘SOLD OUT’ banner instead. It has happened to me on more than one occasion, leaving my collection incomplete. This undesirable situation is no less of a horror, giving any serious collector sleepless nights.
4. Relationship Drama
Most young people, including myself, have experienced many romantic relationships during their twenties, some of which have been more serious than others. In my late twenties, all I can think of is not having to deal with the toxicity and baggage that a relationship brings.
I feel like relationships closer to your thirties can be fraught with complications. You need to handle your and your partner’s needs with a lot of patience and maturity. After giving it all in a relationship, the bit that scares me the most is the constant fear of heartbreak and ending things on a sour note.
5. Getting Scammed
Frauds and scams are the bane of the convenience that the internet brings into our modern lives. While cybercrime and internet scams are not a recent phenomenon, the fear is real.
Taking about internet scams brings back a haunting memory. Working from home during the pandemic, I was glued to my screen during work and after. What seemed like a limited edition gaming collectable at a tempting half-off price turned out to be a bid to siphon money from my bank account. The idea of losing my hard-earned money at the touch of a button to an offer that seemed too good to be true had terrified the living daylights out of me, even though I was barely rescued.
That near-miss of the event had left a permanent scar on my mind. But now, I know the importance of double-checking the site before shopping. My motto is – if an offer is too good to be true, then it probably is.
6. Not Realising My Passion
This realisation came very late in my life. During one of my breaks at work, I considered whether I truly wanted to work in this field. It made me question and reflect on my career choices so far. I was at a juncture where my career as a sales professional was taking off and my employer expected my complete commitment – my efforts, time and energy – to my job.
But have I always wanted to do this? Is this my passion in life?
The time was ripe for me to introspect and come up with an answer, no matter how frightening it may be.
7. Social Media Anxiety
Being scammed is one thing, but getting anxious about posting something on social media sites is a whole different story. It’s not easy to live in a digital age where every little action is judged and commented on. I have transitioned from a devil-may-care attitude to treading my Instagram account with the utmost caution on what I post.
The transformation stems from an embarrassing event. What could’ve been a seemingly harmless drunk video call to my ex was in reality an Instagram live video to my followers that went viral overnight. My living nightmare was the punch-line at office parties and gatherings with friends, staying fresh in the minds for a good three months. Now, even if I have to comment or reply to a comment on a friend’s post, I make sure I triple-check.
Summing Up
A lot of things have happened to me as a twenty-seven-year-old, some more life-changing than others. I realise the importance of naps more than ever and have started enjoying long walks with my dog. I also realise the importance of making mistakes, not being afraid of making them, and knowing to avoid making them the second time around.
Change itself can be a horrifying prospect when you least expect it. I think Halloween is the perfect time for me to reflect on the darkest fears of my life so far. My twenties have taught me that the journey of life is not smooth sailing, and it can be a bumpy ride even if you’ve only experienced a quarter of your lifetime.
Here’s to all the twenty-somethings like me facing their fears this Halloween, both spooky and real!