Returning to work

Last week something sort of unexpected happened. I got a new job. I wasn’t actively looking for a new job but something perfect just happened to pop up. I was actually really looking forward to having another 3 (unpaid) months off work before going back.

When I went on maternity leave I was fully expecting to go back in January albeit part time rather than back to my actual job as full time manager. I happen to pretty much live across the road from a supermarket and one evening I saw an ad for an evening job. I looked online and that job wasn’t hours that I could do but there was another, perfect job available.

I applied on a Friday evening and was contacted on the Saturday to arrange an interview. That happened the following Tuesday. Only one week later after applying was I offered the position as a Counter Assistant. The job is Tuesday, Wednesday and Saturday evenings from 530-930 every week. It’s not the most glamorous job but it’s not much less an hour than I was on as a manager. The hours are also perfect because they don’t interfere with John’s job. John also does bath and bedtime with Erin so I won’t miss out on too much with her.

I only have 4 more days off before going back to work. It’s really rubbish because my induction day on Friday is our wedding anniversary. That couldn’t be helped though. Luckily, John has Wednesday and Thursday off work this week so we get to spend some quality time together.

Unfortunately, we can’t afford for me to not go back to work even though that’s what both John and I wanted. I’m just so happy I get to go back to work and not have it affect my day to day routine with Erin. We still get all day together and we still get to go to all of our classes. I can’t really ask for anything else!

12 thoughts on “Returning to work”

  1. Congratulations! That sounds absolutely great and it’s really good that it’s really near your house. Sometimes the best opportunities just happen very unexpectedly. It’s really good that it works for your family.

    Jordanne ||

  2. Oh how lucky! I would love to have a part-time job too. Anything actually, but I’m afraid part-time jobs in our area aren’t easy to come across with 🙁 Congratulations! x

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