Toddler Books We’ve Been Reading: May 2018

Even before Erin was born books have been a big deal in our family. We try to make sure she gets to read (look at) a wide range of books and always has plenty available to her. Each month I’ll be writing about what books we’ve been reading with Erin and sometimes also posting a video! So, here’s what we’ve been reading this month:

We try to go to the library once a month at least to get Erin some new books. It’s funny because she knows what the library is for and we walk past it most days on the way home when Erin is at nursery. Every single day she asks if we can go and get new books so I think she would probably like to go there more often!

One of the most recent books that we got was I’ll Wait, Mr Panda by Steve Antony. We have had another Mr Panda book in the past but Erin seemed to like this one a whole lot more. Maybe it was because she’s that bit older now so she understand what some stories are about now compared to some months ago.

This one focuses on patience and why it’s important to wait for things. Erin really loved watching the little penguin being so patient and ending up with something great at the end.

I'll Wait, Mr Panda

Our second book from the library was Triangle by Mac Barnett and Jon Klassen. Triangle really isn’t the most complicated or complex book in the world but it is so beautifully illustrated. Erin is still learning shapes and this book is great for not focusing on too much but there being enough for Erin to concentrate on.

We were recently sent the next book in the shape trilogy, which is Square. After loving Triangle so much I couldn’t wait to show this one to Erin and she really liked it just as much.


Another new book we got this month was Julian Is a Mermaid by Jessica Love. Before being sent this I hadn’t heard of it before but I’m always happy to give new books a go, especially when they are this special. Julian Is a Mermaid is about a little boy named Julian who just wants to look like the ‘mermaids’ he sees. This book is all about acceptance and being who you feel comfortable being and it really is a beautiful thing for children to read.

Julian Is a Mermaid

You can buy all of the books mentioned here: 

I’ll Wait, Mr Panda:
Julian Is a Mermaid:

Fancy listening to me talk about the books instead? Here’s the video:


Disclaimer: We received some items for the purpose of this post. This post also contains affilliate links. All opinions are our own.  

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