Work-Motherhood Balance Secrets

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Trying to balance work and motherhood is no easy feat. As a working mum, there are all sorts of factors that play into the transition from being a working professional to being a mum to, eventually, becoming a working mum. Scheduling, exhaustion, still-fluctuating hormones and just wanting to be with your baby can make going back to work a lot tougher than it might seem. In some cases, a career change and finding something more flexible instead of going back to the job you had before maternity leave might come as a better solution. If you are interested in pursuing a different career path, today’s job search sites like can be especially helpful with finding a job. In case you are looking for a freelance position, check job openings also in bigger cities like Birmingham, for example, as you might find more options available. With the right balance, work can be a great social outlet, intellectual boost and a source of happiness outside your home.

Here are a few secrets to help you find the work-motherhood balance that works best for you.

Be true to yourself

First and foremost, be true to yourself. What makes you happy day to day? What are your career goals? Family goals? If you are honest with yourself, know your priorities and give yourself space to change and grow, making the transition back to work will be easier and more organic. Stay true to yourself and be sure you also pencil in time for yourself, even to simply relax and hold your baby or take a bubble bath and reflect on how you are doing.

Be proactive

Being proactive will help you feel and be more prepared. If you have any concerns or curiosities about how something will work, take the steps to figure it out before the transition. For example, are your curious about how to manage breastfeeding? Find out in advance where you can pump at the office and the schedule you’ll have to work with. Or perhaps you are concerned about childcare and costs? If your partner works or perhaps needs a free hour twice per week, plan ahead. Choose the right childcare provider, whether through a daycare, family-in-law, neighbor or babysitter that you know you can trust.

Involve your partner

Open communication is key. When you come home from work at the end of the day, having a household that is in sync will allow you to put the focus at home on your family instead of figuring out how to make your home run more smoothly. Work with your partner to figure out schedules, who gets up during the night if (realistically, when) your baby cries and other tasks like household chores and errands. Working together to meal plan, set out clothes and anything else that you can get done in advance can make hectic mornings run smoother so you can spend a couple extra minutes holding your baby instead of trying to find a pair of matching socks.

Give and get: Flexibility

A company that is flexible for new mums can often make the transition smoother, and it is surely appreciated. Knowing you have some wiggle room in case, for example, you need to pick your child up at daycare early takes some stress off at the office. As you get this flexibility at work, be sure to reciprocate it. If this means later hours some nights or on the weekends, be sure your company understands it is a two way street. This way, everyone feels respected and appreciated.

At the end of the day, knowing what is right for you and your family is what matters. Be flexible and stay in tune with yourself and your family. Going back to work will be tough, yes, but that will not take away from your power of being a loving, supportive and engaged mum.


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