It’s no secret that Erin likes her food. Since we started her weaning journey at 4 months she’s done amazingly well most of the time. Yes, she has her ups and downs, especially when she’s teething but generally, she does fine! Erin is also really good at trying new things. When Ella’s Kitchen sent us their toddler trays range to try, I didn’t know which to pick first!
The toddler meal range includes family favourites such as beef stew and chicken curry in the perfect portion size for little ones with growing appetites. These tasty grown up meals are bursting with organic and veggie goodness and also come in a handy microwavable packs, perfect for hungry toddlers on the go!
The full range includes deeeelicious dishes such as:
Bolognese Bake
Chicken Curry
Chicken Paella
Beef Stew
Veggie Moussaka
Pork Stew
We started off with the chicken curry with rice and creamy coconut. Erin has liked other versions of chicken curry so I thought we’d be safe with this one.
Upon opening the tray (which was actually quite difficult) I noticed that this food was completely different to others aimed at 12m+. Other toddler meals have been a bit thicker in consistency with a handful of lumps here. This one was full of texture and lumps of different sizes.
As you can see from Erin’s face in the picture above, she was not impressed to start off with. She had a very ‘Mum, what the hell is this?’ kind of look on her face. However, after a bowl change, splitting the meal in two and a couple of extra spoons we were ready to go.
I have to say, it did take quite a few attempts before Erin was happy to eat this food. She was really unsure about the texture and wanted to investigate it properly before eating it. This meant getting her hands in the bowl, feeling what she was eating and then trying some herself. We’re not afraid of mess in this house and Erin is welcome to get stuck in properly if that’s what she wants.
Once Erin got used to this new kind of chicken curry she scooped it up quickly and ate it well! The bowls were pretty clean by the end of this meal time but she wasn’t so clean! Erin was covered but she did end up eating the majority of what I gave her so I was really happy!
Poor Jackson didn’t really get a look in and he waited so patiently. I think he was actually a bit confused about what Erin was doing with her food actually.
So, Ella’s Kitchen Chicken Curry ended up with a very messy Erin with food in her hair and needing a bath afterwards. However, she seemed to really enjoy her meal!
Since trying this particular flavour Erin has tried one tray from each flavour in the range. She has eaten them all really well and not refused any of them! Erin really likes food with a bit more flavour than some other brands offer which is why I think she got on so well with Ella’s Kitchen. At the moment, one tray does Erin for 2 meals so they’re great value for money.
Disclaimer: We were sent products for the purpose of this review. All opinions are our own.
When my youngest was little she loved these!
We used these all the time when our daughter was a toddler and quite frankly they are a massive sanity saver!
Sometimes you need something you know they’ll eat
Awww loving that look ‘mum what’s this..’ lol classic.
She’s a funny kid!
The whole Ella’s Kitchen range were a firm favourite of both BattleKid and I when we needed something quick and easy as a meal. I’m glad to see the trays have more texture as I did think previous versions were not lumpy enough, particularly for BattleKid x
These do seem to be the best for her age!
Ella’s kitchen is fab. Looks like Erin agrees too! What a cutie 🙂
Thank you!
These look tasty. He-he your dog reminds me of my Mollie waiting for someone to drop something 🙂
I have always loved Ella’s Kitchen products! I remember one year buying the Christmas Dinner pouch! The Toddler Trays looks like they would be just as good!!
I don’t think your dog agrees though!
We had the Christmas Dinner pouch last year
These look fab, I always loved Ella’s Kitchen when Archie was little. It’s great that they’ve moved on from just the pouches
It’s nice that they do an older range
I do love Ella’s dishes such a great variety. And to come in little pot like dishes are brilliant it will make your toddler feel apart of dinner time.
The flavours are fab!