10 Tips On How To Create Great Content For A Wedding Themed Blog

10 Tips On How To Create Great Content For A Wedding Themed Blog

I have been married now for coming up to 5 years (September 2018) and just recently I’ve been thinking about thing I wish I had done before that happened. Not only is the decision to get married absolutely huge but planning the wedding can be such a massive job. John and I went back and forth with quite a few ideas for our wedding and it was frustrating to see what we could and could not do. Looking back, a wedding themed blog would have been a great idea. I thought I’d write some blogging tips for anyone thinking about starting their own wedding themed blog!

1. Be Real

When I started looking at wedding ideas I did come across some wedding blogs. However, mostly they came from professional companies looking for people to get interested in their service. At the time I didn’t find that many blogs from people just like me doing the same kinds of things. As we ended up getting married in Florida I would have loved to have read other people’s experiences and also to get some tips about what could be done there!

2. Make It Personal

Something I missed out on so much was reading people’s personal stories about getting married. Readers will want to connect with you as a person, not just someone behind the screen. Your readers will want to hear about the ups and downs of wedding planning.

3. Engage Your Readers

Writing great content is one thing but if readers don’t want to get involved then what’s the point? Make sure your posts allow comments so your readers can let you know what they think. Not only will know you if you’re creating content that people like but you also might get some new ideas for posts!

4. Switch It Up

Blog posts don’t have to be full of words. Some people don’t want to read a post that’s 1000 words long. Some people connect more with video content that they can listen to while doing other things. Creating good content means appealing to your readers needs and not just thinking about what is best for you!

5. Be Visual

Blog readers love a beautiful picture. As with the advice above, no one really wants to see a blog post just with text. It gets boring and readers are likely to click off your post rather than read the content you’ve worked hard on. Using great images can really help to keep your readers interested and want to read more.

6. Money, Money, Money

One of the biggest problems people come across when it comes to weddings is money. Personally, even though we got married in Florida I tried to do everything as cheaply as possible. Creating content such as “50 ways to save money on your wedding” could be really popular! Readers would also probably like blog posts with tips on how to save for your wedding or easy ways to cut your wedding budget too.

7. Create A Series

Blog posts don’t have to stand on their own. If you have something to write about that could take up a lot of words then the way to create great content would be to break it up! Maybe you have a long engagement story or want to write about your honeymoon. A 3-5 part series would be a great way to get your readers to come back as they’ll be likely to want to reach the end of your story.

8. Read Other Blogs

I read so many other blogs and this is a great way of getting ideas and finding inspiration. As long as you’re creating you’re own original content and not copying other bloggers then this is absolutely fine! If you’re having a bit of trouble though there are always services like Content Mother who can help you.

9. Do Your Research

When I first started blogging I had no idea about keywords, SEO or alt-text for images. I hadn’t even heard about half of the technical things that go into a blog, let alone understand what they are! All of these things will help you get your blog noticed and they are really important, even if you don’t think so when you’re just starting out.

10. Social Media

Not all of your content needs to be on your blog. Social media is THE way to get your blog out there and to get people noticing you. Something I have learned recently is to put snippets of blog posts on your social media channels to entice readers onto your website! I get a lot of my traffic through Facebook so find what works best for you and run with it!

Of course, there are loads of different ways to create good content but hopefully these will give you a bit of a head start if you’re planning on starting a wedding blog any time soon! 

Disclaimer: This is a collaborative post. All opinions are our own. 


10 Tips On How To Create Great Content For A Wedding Themed Blog

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