AD | Collaborative post
There’s no getting away from it. Life is stressful. Whether you’re juggling family life with your 9-5, or you’ve just welcomed a new baby into your life, it’s not easy keeping stress at bay and as soon as we think we’re on top of one stressor, we get handed another one! Well, life might be stressful but it’s also rewarding. And thankfully, there are ways you can tackle the stress in your life and hopefully reduce its impact on your day-to-day. I’ve come up with 5 ideas to try if you’re feeling a little stressed, and hopefully they’ll help you relax a little more.
Remember – if you’re struggling with your stress levels, you’re not alone. And you shouldn’t be struggling in silence. Reach out to someone who can help lighten the load or help you manage your stress. A friend, family member or even your GP.
Resolve health issues
Ill health can be a real cause of stress and sometimes, small steps can help you to fix a whole range of different issues, For instance, if you’re having problems with your skin then drinking more water could be something to help. For me, there are a few different things I struggle with on a regular basis and if they were taken away, I know I would be a lot less stressed. One of my issues is having blocked ears and not being able to hear very well so a simple ear wax removal would help me out a lot.
Spend more time outdoors
We’re spending more and more time indoors, which means we’re finding less and less opportunities to decompress. It’s been scientifically proven that spending time outdoors can reduce your stress levels and even lower your blood pressure. Just as little as 20 minutes a day! Whether you’re in your garden (check out The Tree Center for more information on trees) enjoying the peace and quiet, or you’re heading out for a walk through a nature reserve. Try to incorporate some green space into your day, every day!
Exercise has obvious health benefits. But did you know that it’s good for your mental health too? Getting up and moving your body helps you to reset your mind, allows you to sweat out your stress, work out your frustrations and makes you feel good! Don’t worry about spending a fortune at a state of the art gym, you can work out at home without equipment – check out YouTube for some beginners exercise videos – or take the baby for a walk in the buggy around the park and try to beat your personal best!
Spend time with friends and family
It’s easy to get into a stressful rut and end up isolating yourself. Especially if you’re a new parent too. Whether you don’t want to ask for help or you’re just trying to work through it alone, it’s often more helpful than you think to spend time with those you love. Not only can you talk through your worries, but it’s also a welcome distraction and it might help you re-evaluate your issues. You can do something for fun with your loved ones like playing online card games such as heart and memory.
Write it down
Never underestimate the power of the written word. Treat yourself to a beautiful journal and some gorgeous new stationary and get into the habit of writing your feelings down. You could write down what you’re grateful for, or even any little “wins” you’ve experienced throughout the day, however small. Focusing your mind on what makes you happy can really minimise the effect your stress and anxiety has on your life.
Try a little meditation
Meditation sounds a little cliché… but when you focus your mind and concentrate on your breathing it can really help you to overcome your stress and stay in control. Check out YouTube for some beginners guide to meditation videos.