Autism with Lola: Playing with Bourbon Badger Book

Autism with Lola: Playing with Bourbon Badger Book Review And Giveaway

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When it comes to books we always like to try to get Erin something that has a lesson or hidden meaning. Sometimes, it’s hard to explain certain topics to her because either we don’t know a lot about it or because it’s something quite tricky and complicated. I will hold my hands up and admit that autism is one of these things. It’s not something I know a lot about but we want Erin to know about why some people might be different to others.

Autism with Lola: Playing with Bourbon Badger

The author of Autism with Lola: Playing with Bourbon Badger* has three children who are autistic or with special needs. Jodie Isitt has written a book, the first in a series, to help highlight what it might be like for someone with autism or anxiety. As someone who really doesn’t know much about autism I was quite excited to receive this book and to share it with Erin.

The book follows bunny rabbit Lola on a regular day at school. She’s busy colouring in but the noise of all of the other children when it comes to tidying away scares her. Lola doesn’t like the noise and doesn’t know how to cope with what is going on. For some people with autism, something that we think is just an every day activity can be a really scary or stressful situation.

Autism with Lola: Playing with Bourbon Badger

For a lot of children, play time might be a part of the day that they really look forward to. For Lola, she finds herself on her own with no one to play with and this makes her really sad. She wants a friend to play with but she’s not like the other children and wants something a bit different. The book really highlights the importance of kindness and understanding, especially when someone is able to help Lola and play with her.

Autism with Lola: Playing with Bourbon Badger

While the story is a great one for children sometimes adults need a bit more than that to be able to explain. This book has LOADS of resources at the back, along with plenty of advice from experts. I think it’s really clever that this book has something for both adults and children. Not only can it help to explain to someone who might not know a lot about autism but it could also be a real help to someone who might wonder why they aren’t the same as other children.

Win a copy of the book!

Do you fancy winning a copy of the book for yourself? Be sure to enter the giveaway below. Ends 19th February 2020 at 23:59.

Win a copy of Autism With Lola – Playing With Bourbon Badger


11 thoughts on “Autism with Lola: Playing with Bourbon Badger Book Review And Giveaway”

  1. My 9 yr old’s best friend is autistic, and they have another autistic child in their class too. I think for kids who have never been around anyone who has autism this is a great book to explain things.

  2. What a lovely yet important storyline to cover in a children’s book! It’s essential that children are aware of children with special educational needs and it would be a useful book to read to a child with autism too 🙂

  3. It sounds like a very useful book for any child to read or have read to them. I think that making sure children are aware of autism is very important as it means they have a better understanding of those that have it.

  4. As an autism mum I think this book is a wonderful idea. It is a great resource for both adults and children to learn more autism and how children react differently to situations.

  5. Oh I love this idea for book. I thinks it’s so important to make other children aware of autism so that they can have a better understanding.

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