Book review: The Dinosaur that Pooped Daddy

Maybe it’s a boy thing but my husband John is pretty okay with poo. He has no problem talking about it, doing it or just generally acknowledging that it’s a thing. I’m not really all that open about things like that. When given the chance to review a book called The Dinosaur that Pooped Daddy I just had to get it for John and Erin. He generally does bed time and story time so I thought this would be the perfect book for them both. Seeing as Father’s Day is coming up soon, I think it would also make a great gift from a child to their Dad!

For a change, John will be the one reviewing this book so I’m turning over to him!

As soon as I picked up The Dinosaur that Pooped Daddy I knew it would be a book for me and my little girl. As Lyndsey has already said, I’m pretty okay with poo as a subject and I want Erin to be the same way. What better than a book that makes it a light and funny subject?!

With 18 pages, this is not a very long book so it has to be quick and to the point. Danny’s Daddy has gone missing so him and Dino try to find him in the house by following his piles of mess. In the end, it turns out that Dino has eaten Daddy and has to poop him out to safety! The story is really a bit random but fun and quick to read.

The Dinosaur that Pooped Daddy has really bright and vivid illustrations which are really easy to see, even for little ones like Erin who doesn’t really understand stories properly yet. Dino especially, being huge and red and yellow is so easy to pick out on each page.

The The Dinosaur that Pooped Daddy isn’t just about a dinosaur that can poo out a whole person though! It can help you and your child with counting which is a great bonus really. I think children will learn better when they’re having fun at such a young age so this is a really good way of learning 1-10 in different way.

I have so much fun reading this book to Erin and we do so every couple of nights now. We like it so much that we’ll be getting other books in the series soon!

It’s not only John and Erin that have been enjoying this book as I have read it myself and it’s so cute and funny!

As Father’s Day is coming up in a couple of days we’ve been lucky to be provided with some great downloadable content to share with our readers. Hopefully you’ll have fun making some cards and filling in the activity sheets with your children.

Activity Sheets

Father’s Day Card

The Dinosaur That Pooped Daddy by Tom Fletcher and Dougie Poynter was released by Red Fox Picture Books on 5th May 2016. You can buy a copy for yourself on Amazon!

Disclaimer: We were sent this book in exchange for an honest review

11 thoughts on “Book review: The Dinosaur that Pooped Daddy”

  1. Sounds like just the book my boys would love, as an all boy household I’ve had to learn to see the funny side of all toilet humour. If you can’t hear them, join them!

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